
Heart.vsebolezni.com - heart health and cardiovascular system

Embolism of the arteries and blood vessels, types, symptoms, causes, consequences

The further fate of the blockage and the consequencesArterial embolism contributes to a narrowing or complete obstruction of the vessel. The result is malnutrition of the body that receives blood read more...

Leukopenia: extent, types, symptoms, causes and treatment, nutrition

ClassificationThe decrease in the number of leukocytes may be temporary and stop after the end of the main destructive factor, for example, receiving Biseptol or Dipyrone. In such cases of read more...

Pericarditis of the heart: causes, treatment, types and symptoms

Adhesive pericarditis (adhesive) refers to the sluggish, chronic forms. Ends with a thickening of the sheets of the pericardium, the full coalescence. The result is disappearance of the heart bags read more...

Thrombosis: symptoms and causes, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

SymptomsClinical manifestations of DVT depend on the location of the thrombus blocking a vessel. Diseases such as acute myocardial infarction and stroke occur when thrombosis of the coronary and cerebral read more...

Hypertension: causes, extent and stage, complications

In his development of hypertension passes through three stages:in stage 1 no damage to target organs (heart, brain, and kidneys);2nd — the affected one or all of the organs;3 — read more...

Thrombocytopenia: the extent and types, treatment, symptoms, and consequences

Causes of primary thrombocytopeniaThe causes of insufficient content of platelets in the blood, divided into 3 groups.Factors causing increased destruction of cells in:various autoimmune processes (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus);diseases of read more...

Heart disease: what are heart disease

Myocardial dystrophyDegenerative changes caused by anemia, hormonal disorders in endocrine pathology, different intoxications, avitaminosis, malnutrition of the heart muscle. Initial manifestation is tachycardia and weakness. Eventually developing heart failure.The manifestation read more...

Blood diseases: what are the disease symptoms in children and adults

Disease with anemic syndromeThe group includes all types of anemia associated with a decrease in hemoglobin, a violation of the transfer and assimilation of oxygen and the development of tissue read more...
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