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Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Mitral stenosis and its symptoms, treatment of mitral valve stenosis

The mechanism allows the violated hemodynamics to cope with blood supply for many years under the following immutable conditions:the area of the atrioventricular orifice during this time will not decrease read more...

Cardiogenic shock: first aid, symptoms, treatment and causes

Mechanisms of development of pathologyThe pathogenesis of occurrence of hemodynamic differs depending on the shape of the shock. There are 4 varieties.The reflex shock — caused by the body's reaction read more...

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis and causes

The types of damage to the heartIn connection with the uniformity and symmetry of development of the sections of myocardial hypertrophy identify the following forms:symmetric (concentric) is in the same read more...

Diabetic angiopathy of the retina: the symptoms and treatment of diabetes

Anatomical changes in the vesselsDiabetes may develop two types of angiopathy:Macroangiopathy affects the blood vessels of medium caliber and small arterioles. In the arteries created the most convenient conditions for read more...

Syndrome and Raynaud's disease: symptoms, causes and treatment, folk remedies

ReasonsIn half of the cases the specific cause of vascular crises is not detected. This disease belongs to primary (idiopathic) form.Secondary lesions of vessels in Raynaud's disease include:group of systemic read more...

What is dangerous low blood pressure, causes of low heart pressure

The mechanism of development of hypotensionIn the pathogenesis of hypotension involve higher centers of the cerebral cortex, the hypothalamus and the master endocrine gland — the pituitary gland. These formations read more...

Cerebral ischemia, 1 and 2 degrees: implications, treatment and symptoms

What happens to vessels?Mechanisms of cerebral circulatory disorders manifest differently:rupture of cerebral artery aneurysm with hemorrhage into the substance of the brain under the shell;blockage by a clot or embolus read more...

The thrombosed hemorrhoids treatment and symptoms of venous thrombosis

Why develop thrombosis?The cause of the thrombosis is launched without any treatment process. The absence of any preventive measures, and the patient's behavior. The complication arises when the patient is read more...

Heart failure: treatment of folk remedies, medicines

In severe cases, it is recommended that a phased diet. Below is an example of power on the recommendation of the I. F. Lorie, for 4 weeks:1 week, calorific value read more...

Cardiomegaly: causes and treatment of the fetus, children and adults

Manifestations of right and left ventricular failure:fatigue;shortness of breath on exertion;heartbeat;attacks of dyspnea at night;swelling in the feet and legs;swelling of veins of neck;an increase in the abdomen;heaviness in the read more...

Thromboembolism: types, causes, symptoms, arterial and venous, treatment

Verrucous endocarditis is accompanied by the growth of bacterial colonies on the valves of valves, their separation causes embolization of the vascular bed, malnutrition internal organs. After such emboli are read more...

Vasospasm: what is it, symptoms, how to remove and treatment of vasospasm

A common mechanism of spasmDifferent vascular areas of the body have their predominant factors leading to pathology. But the result is a common mechanism of breakdown of transport through cell read more...

Myocardial heart: symptoms, treatment, classification and types

Why is there myocardiodystrophy in childrenMyocardiodystrophy in children of teenage age is more associated with hormonal changes. But in the early pre-school and school periods to its development are:impaired nutrition read more...

High blood pressure: causes and what to do when high heart pressure

Can only increase systolic pressure?Often with hypertension identify improving both lower and upper levels of over 140/90 mm Hg. article But there are cases when only a high systolic pressure read more...

Hypotension: causes, diet, how it is dangerous and prevention

Speed clinical manifestations doctors distinguish hypotonia:acute — occurs suddenly, is accompanied by conditions such as collapse, loss of blood, shock, orthostatic fall in pressure after a sudden change of body read more...

Myocardial ischemia: symptoms, treatments, and forms (painless, etc.)

Clinical signs of ischemiaSymptoms of ischemia are derived from:the typical complex characteristic of angina attack (angina);other manifestations.Typical pain attack is characterized by:connection with the preceding physical or mental stress (a read more...

Fibrinous pericarditis (dry): causes, treatment and symptoms

Other causes of dry pericarditis are:infectious diseases — tuberculosis, typhoid, dysentery, cholera;renal failure — pericarditis called "death knell" of the final stage of unsuccessful treatment of uremia, death comes 3 read more...

Varicose veins of the esophagus: causes and treatment of such varicose veins

If left untreated, hepatitis (especially alcoholic) quickly lead to cirrhosis of the liver. It is expressed in the complete replacement of liver cells hepatocytes at the scar tissue. The reverse read more...

Chronic pulmonary heart: treatment, causes and symptoms

What happens in the bodyPatients of the 1st and 2nd groups all changes are caused by spasm of the small arterioles in the lung tissue as a reaction to insufficient read more...

Rheumatism of the heart: what is it, symptoms, treatment and consequences

What happens in the heart?Heart has 3 layers:the endocardium (inside),myocardium,pericardium (outside).Most often, arthritis affects the endocardium. At the same time it occurs myocarditis. Pericarditis occurs in 1/3 of cases. The read more...

Dystrophy of the myocardium (focal, fat, etc.): symptoms and treatment

As compensation, the heart increases in volume, without increasing contractility. The result is heart failure.Degenerative changes can be:local (focal), to limit the size;diffuse, if the process extends throughout the muscle read more...

The initial stage of varicose veins, treatment of primary varicose veins

TreatmentIn the early stages of treatment certainly recommended exercises for the legs to help the veins to relieve the load. They should do a morning and evening at home, and read more...
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