Home / Diseases of the cardiovascular system / Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities and its treatment

Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities and its treatment

Very often the initial stages of the disease are asymptomatic. In some cases there may be a disturbance of blood supply in superficial tissue, namely, to cold of the skin and discoloration (paleness). Also characterized by paresthesia - pins and needles, burning and other sensations associated with hypoxia of nerve fibers.

The disease progresses the nutrition of the tissues of the lower extremities worsens, and appear non-healing trophic ulcers, which are the precursors of gangrene.

In acute occlusion of the arteries, occurs intense pain, the affected limb becomes colder and paler than healthy. In this case, fairly quickly comes decompensation of the blood supply and tissue necrosis. Such differences in the rate of appearance of symptoms are associated with what chronic process time to form collaterals that support the blood supply at an acceptable level. It is through them sometimes when occlusion of the artery signs of the disease expressed slightly.

Diagnostic methods

Treatment of atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremities becomes much more effective if you can convince the patient of the necessity of avoiding harmful habits, in particular Smoking. It is desirable to observe a healthy lifestyle and try to reduce the impact of other risk factors. Plays an important role following a special diet designed for patients with atherosclerosis. Nutrition should be complete and balanced, but you should limit the use of animal fats and fried foods.


Among the drugs used for atherosclerosis of the feet, the most important are:

  1. Desegregate (aspirin), inhibiting the formation of clots on the surface of damaged endothelium or plaque.
  2. Medications that improve the rheological (fluid) properties of blood. These include reopoligljukin and pentoxifylline. In decompensated ischemia they are administered intravenously, then turning on the use of tablets.
  3. Antispasmodics (no-Spa), which reduces the narrowing of the artery and thereby improving blood circulation.
  4. Anticoagulants (heparin) administered in the period of decompensation or acute thrombosis.
  5. In some cases the use of thrombolytics (streptokinase, actilise), but their use is limited in connection with the possible development of bleeding and lack of efficiency.

Additional methods of therapeutic effects is hyperbaric oxygenation, increases blood oxygen saturation, physical therapy and treatment with ozone.


Atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremities, accompanied by severe malnutrition of the tissues, the mosteffective is surgical treatment.

When minimally invasive intervention manipulation is carried out through a puncture in the vessel. A special balloon is inflated in the place of narrowing, and then fix the result of the production of the metal stent. You can also remove clots, pre-razmerchik.

With open transactions make removal of the inner shell of the vessel with atherosclerotic overlays and thrombectomy. In the case of a long lesion overlay of bypass grafts using their own vessels or artificial dentures. Most of these operations are conducted in a serious narrowing of the terminal aorta or femoral arteries. The operation in this case is called aorto-femoral prosthesis.