Home / Diseases of the cardiovascular system / How dangerous is hypertensive angiopathy of the retina and what it is

How dangerous is hypertensive angiopathy of the retina and what it is

The causes and mechanisms of development

Hypertensive angiopathy of the retina develops only if the increase in blood pressure above normal values. It can be with hypertension or any symptomatic hypertension. The severity of pathology is influenced by the following reasons:

  1. The duration of hypertension;
  2. Individual features of the structure of vessels and type of branching;
  3. The presence of background conditions and diseases: diabetes, atherosclerosis, intracranial pathology, endocrine diseases;
  4. Harmful professional conditions that require constant voltage of the visual analyzer;
  5. Toxic effects from the environment.

If necessary, you can run:

  • Doppler ultrasound of vessels of the eye;
  • Fluorescent angiography of the retina;
  • Ophthalmodynamometry (measurement of blood pressure in the arteries and veins of the retina;
  • - Organized the image registration flow of the eye).

These methods allow not only to detect vascular disorders, but also to evaluate their distinct characteristics that you may need to plan remedial measures.

How we can help

The volume of therapeutic interventions consists of General and specialized. It includes such treatment:

  1. Proper nutrition: fluid restriction, salt and cholesterindegrading foods, high in vitamins and antioxidants (vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meats, vegetable oils, dairy products);
  2. Normalization of lifestyle: refusal from alcohol abuse, Smoking, heavy physical loads and psycho-emotional surge. Angiopathy of the retina progresses, until they are at the background of any treatment;
  3. Blood pressure control and adequate medical treatment of hypertension (ACE inhibitors, diuretics, beta-blockers and other antihypertensive agents);
  4. Anticoagulant remedies and treatment of high blood viscosity: aspecard, cardiomagnyl, clopidogrel;
  5. Drugs that enhance the metabolic processes in the retina: trental, Actovegin, metamax, ATP, aloe, Mildronate;
  6. Vitamins: milhama, Vitrum, Amit;
  7. Eye drops: quinax, taufon, emoxipin, Austin;
  8. Laser photocoagulation or other instrumental treatment of the retinal vessels. Appointed with the threat of their rupture or frequent hemorrhages.

The healing process is controlled by an ophthalmologist and a therapist. A timely appeal to these specialists will preventthe progression of the disease and helps save vision.