Home / Diseases of the cardiovascular system / Features of hypertension 2nd degree

Features of hypertension 2nd degree

The causes and mechanisms of development

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Excessive consumption of salty foods.
  3. A deficiency of calcium and magnesium in food.
  4. The abuse of alcohol.
  5. Smoking.
  6. Obesity nutritional and hormonal type.
  7. Low physical activity.
  8. Abuse of strong tea and coffee.
  9. Frequent psycho-emotional shocks.
  10. Social status and obligations.

All these factors lead to the activation of sympatho-adrenal hormonal complex at a constant activity causes persistent spasm of small vessels, is the primary mechanism increasing blood pressure. Particularly affected are the kidneys. Against the background of their ischemia begins to function reninoma system, which provides a further increase in pressure with additional vascular spasm and fluid retention in the bloodstream. There is a vicious circle with clearly marked links that are sent to modern treatment.

In this respect, it is necessary to distinguish the degrees and stages. The first is characterized by a level of high blood pressure, the second is clinical manifestations and complications. According to a new world concept, distinguish the degree of arterial hypertension:

  1. Increasing pressure from 140/90 to 160/100 mm RT.St;
  2. The numbers exceed the above.

With regard to the stage of the disease, it looks like this:

  1. Complications and structural rearrangements of bodies not observed;
  2. There are signs of changes in the internal organs that are associated with high blood pressure: hypertensive heart disease (hypertensive heart), a shriveled kidney, the vascular lesions of the brain, changes of the ocular fundus;
  3. Development of dangerous complications such as myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke.

Stratification of risk factors

This term in cardiology is the definition of risk of complications of hypertension in a particular patient. It is necessary to highlight those patients who need special monitoring of parameters of blood pressure. This includes all factors that influence the development, course and prognosis of the disease. Identify the following groups of patients:

  1. Low risk (risk less than 15%) patients male and female aged less than 55 years with first-degree hypertension without concomitant lesions of the heart and internal organs;
  2. Risk medium extent (15-20%) – patients with 1-2 degree hypertension with less than three risk factors, but without the accompanying structural rearrangements of internal organs;
  3. High risk (20-30%) – patients with 1-2 degree hypertension with three or more risk factors in the presence of structural changes, characteristic for the second stagehypertension;
  4. Very high risk (30%) patients with grade 2 hypertension, multiple causal risk factors and severe structural rearrangements of the internal organs.