Home / Diseases of the cardiovascular system / Features of hypertonia of 2 degrees

Features of hypertonia of 2 degrees

Arterial hypertension of 2nd degree, – the period of occurrence of the disease in a detailed and robust phase, in which the blood pressure is consistently high and there are pronounced changes in the internal organs. It is on the second stage of the disease the patient often falls to the doctor with symptoms.

Symptoms of second degree hypertension

Blood pressure hypertension of 2 degrees is in the interval 160 – 179/100 – 109 mm Hg. article almost constantly.

Symptoms with 2 degrees of hypertension, which were in the initial stage in the form of light and transient disorders become more pronounced and long-lasting. The main manifestations are the following:

  • Headaches are mostly occipital and temporal localization that provokes or enhances the mental and physical load.
  • Dizziness.
  • The sensation of tinnitus.
  • The illusion of "flies" before the eyes.
  • The deterioration of memory.
  • Fatigue.
  • Emotional lability (irritability, tearfulness, anxiety).
  • Redness and swelling of the face, the appearance of the capillary network, swelling of the upper extremities.
  • Vasodilation of the sclera (whites of the eyes).
  • Bouts of palpitations.
  • In cardiac muscle, changes – thickening of the wall of the left ventricle to compensate for the resistance to blood flow.
  • Changes in the retina of the eye.
  • Pathology of renal vessels leads to a decrease in their functional activity, which is reflected in the analysis of urine.