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Paroxysmal tachycardia

How does ectopic hearth

Depending on the localization of ectopic (extra) hearth paroxysmal tachycardia is divided into the following types.

Atrial — most common, has the highest rate. Center field is in the left or right atrium, replaces the sinus node, resulting in a significant increase in contractions, but all the pulses are rhythmic and are conducted to the ventricles.

Atrioventricular (nodal) — most often occurs excitation in the atrioventricular (AV) node of the reciprocal type. The number of cuts is usually less than during atrial tachycardia (150-200 1 / min). The pulses are simultaneously in the ventricles and the opposite way in the atrium.

These types are grouped supraventricular or supraventricular disorders, because the lesion is above the level of pathways in the ventricles of the heart.

Ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia is rare when sudden changes in the heart muscle, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, coronary heart disease (acute heart attack), overdose of drugs digitalis, diphtheria myocarditis. Strong rhythm of contractions is absent: the Atria pump under the influence of sinus impulses with a normal frequency of two to three times less frequently than the ventricles. The rhythm of the ventricles reaches 200 per minute. This state is called dissociation activity of the Atria and ventricles. It is dangerous rapid development of heart failure.

Clinical symptoms

The clinical picture of paroxysmal tachycardia are typical. Patients feel:

  • sudden palpitations;
  • stenocarditiceski pain in the heart area radiating to left arm, jaw;
  • syndrome spastic urine" characteristic of the atrial form of paroxysm: during the attack a significant amount of urine.

Sometimes patients otmechajut aura — a premonition of the attack. Suddenly there is banging blow to the chest, then increases heartbeat, dizziness, weakness.

How to help the patient

A seizure patient should sit in a comfortable chair, loosen collar, tight belt. When the pain in your heart to give nitroglycerin under the tongue. Experienced patients know what to remove the paroxysm.

To assist in paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia-type use a variety of methods of influence on the vagus nerve. He is able to convey the Atria "order" to slow the frequency of contractions. There are several such ways:

  • to offer the patient much Naturita;
  • inhale deeply and hold the air as long as possible;
  • significantly, pressure on the eyeballs and massage for 2-3 minutes;
  • to try to induce vomitingirritation of the tongue root;
  • to put pressure on the carotid artery medially from the largest muscles of the neck (between the clavicle and the bony process behind the ear).

Prescribed medications help remove the pathological excitation in ectopic foci, to block the transmission of unnecessary pulses.

After liquidation of attack is assigned to the maintenance dose of medicines anti-arrhythmic action.

At the same time for elimination of non-recommended drugs containing potassium and magnesium, vitamins.

The anti-relapse treatment can reduce the frequency of seizures, to prevent the development of heart failure and ventricular fibrillation.

When the use of surgical methods

In the absence of effect of conservative treatment, the threat to the life of the patient used surgical methods.

The goal of any surgery is to destroy the ectopic focus and make the heart contract in the proper rhythm. For this purpose, the impact of electric impulses, laser, cold temperature, radio-frequency to the pathological focus.