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Myocardial infarction and its treatment

On ECG it is possible to register signs of myocardial infarction, aneurysm formed, as well as various violations of rhythm and conductivity. This method is also diagnostically significant.

When x-rays of the chest can be caused expansion of the left heart, but the informativeness of this method quite low. What can be said about positron emission tomography. The study was conducted after the introduction of the radioisotope of the drug, registering gamma radiation at rest and during exercise. It is possible to estimate the rate of metabolism and perfusion, which demonstrate the viability of the myocardium.

In violation of the contractility of the heart, the patient often wakes up at night from the attack of cardiac asthma, which goes away within a few minutes after the adoption of the vertical position of the body.

If the background of postinfarction cardiosclerosis formed aneurysm (thinning the walls), it increases the risk of blood clots in her cavity and thromboembolism vessels of the brain or lower extremities. In the presence of congenital heart defect (open oval window), an embolus can enter into the pulmonary artery. Also aneurysm prone to rupture, but this usually occurs in the first month of myocardial infarction, when in fact the infarction has not yet formed.


Treatment of postinfarction cardiosclerosis usually addressing its manifestations (heart failure and arrhythmias), so as to restore the function of diseased myocardium is not possible. It is very important to prevent the so-called remodeling (restructuring) of the myocardium that often accompanies ischemic heart disease.

Patients with CMI, as a rule, appoint the following classes of drugs:

  • ACE inhibitors (enalapril, captopril, lisinopril) lower blood pressure in case of its increase and prevent the enlargement of the heart and stretching its chambers.
  • Beta-blockers (Konkor, egilok) reduce heart rate, thereby increasing the ejection fraction. They can also be used antiarrhythmic drugs.
  • Diuretics (lasix, hydrochlorothiazide, indapamide) remove accumulated fluid and reduce the signs of heart failure.
  • Verospiron refers to a diuretic, but the mechanism of its action at the PEAKS is somewhat different. By acting on the receptors of aldosterone, it reduces the processes of remodeling of the myocardium and stretching of the heart cavities.
  • To improve metabolic process helps Mexicor, Riboxin and ATP.
  • The classical medications for the treatment of coronary artery disease (aspirin, nitroglycerin, etc.).

You must also change lifestyle and stick to a healthy diet and salt-free diet.