Home / Diseases of the cardiovascular system / The reasons for the development of cardiovascular disease

The reasons for the development of cardiovascular disease

In General, it becomes clear that heart failure may cause other processes that lead to overload of the heart either pressure or volume, as well as diseases of the heart muscle itself.

In addition to the causes for this disease there are various factors that contribute to the exacerbation and progression of existing heart failure, such as:

  • stress
  • intoxication
  • hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause, etc.)
  • violation of the regime of sleep and rest
  • avitaminosis and errors in diet
  • self.

Acute heart failure

Sometimes cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction, mitral stenosis and other causes can trigger the development of such diseases as cardiac asthma (congestive heart failure).

This disease is characterized by poor blood circulation due to the mismatch between blood volume and capacity of the channel vessels. The result is the accumulation of fluid in the interstices of the pulmonary tissue with subsequent effusion in the alveoli and impaired gas exchange.

The clinical picture

Acute heart failure accompanied by shortness of breath, which develop suddenly and usually at night. The patient the feeling of lack of oxygen which causes a cough, the fear of death. The patient has a position (sitting), sweating, eager to get some fresh air. Face pale, lips are blue, swollen veins on the neck. Shortness of breath, breathing quickens, coughs can be separated sputum with a pink tinge.

Treatment is complex and consists of drug therapy and compliance with certain recommendations. Drug therapy has the following objectives:

  • to stop overload of the heart muscle due to the decrease in pressure and shortening of the heart rate.
  • to eliminate the symptoms of heart failure
  • get rid of the consequences of the disease.

Sometimes, when the reason for the failure is arrhythmia, which does not help drug treatment, may require surgery to install an artificial pacemaker. In addition, surgical treatment is used for problems with the heart valves, as well as issues related to blockage of arteries.

In addition, patients with this pathology is recommended to follow some specialrecommendations:

  • to normalize the weight
  • to follow a special diet, limiting the amount of salt
  • to perform regular moderate exercise
  • to protect yourself from taking alcohol and Smoking.

With proper and timely treatment, subject to reasonable restrictions and the patient can achieve a stable remission and to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.