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Causes of varicose veins

Venous valves

In order to keep the blood flowing back to the moment when the muscle fibers relax, in veins there are valves. They represent outgrowths on the inner surface of the vascular wall, a thin elastic plate. The folds of the valves directed towards the heart.

Their principle of operation as follows: when the muscle fibers relax and the blood under the force of gravity tends to back down, she enters the space formed by the flap valve and the wall of the vessel. The pressure created by the blood in this area, leading to closure of the valves that prevent reverse current.

Venous tone

Venous tone ensures the preservation and regulation capacity of the vessels. It is provided by the connective tissue and muscle fibers, part of the venous wall. Special nerve cells that are thicker blood vessels react to the pressure of the blood, giving the signal to muscle cells and connective tissue fibers. The lumen of the vein is reduced, causing the blood moving towards the heart.
Thus, stable operation of the venous system depends on the correct functioning of all its component parts. To understand these mechanisms means to make the treatment of varicose veins most effective.

варикозное расширение вен

Between cause and consequence

To date, there is no single theory of the development of varicose veins. The greatest difficulty is the separation of the direct causes of disease and conditions that only contribute to its manifestation.

According to most scientists, the causes of varicose veins can be represented as follows:

However, in the healthy organism even in the presence of congenital changes of the venous vessels of the disease occurs. In order for this mechanism to work it is necessary to influence one or more adverse factors. These include:

  • lifestyle;
  • lack of exercise;
  • obesity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • pregnancy.


Features lifestyle lead to increased pressure in the veins, causing increased strain on the vascular wall.

Most often this occurs when being in the standing or sitting for a long time and for work associated with constant heavy lifting. Provoke the development of varicose veins tight underwear, jeans that compress the large veins at the level of the inguinal folds. Also the importance of nutrition: consumption of refined foods, lack of daily menu of fresh fruits and vegetables – sources of fiber. Such a diet leads to the development of constipation, whichincreased intra-abdominal pressure.

Lack of exercise

As is known, second heart for veins are the muscles, due to their reduction is a compression of the walls of blood vessels and promote the blood. When the sedentary lifestyle, the mechanism of blood circulation is lost. Plays an important role and the development of muscles - the better-developed muscle, the easier it is to cope with the work to move the blood. This is due to the rare occurrence of varicose veins in athletes-athletes.


Reliable risk factor for development of varicose veins in women is obesity. While the men did not find such dependence.

Hormonal imbalance

Female sex hormones – estrogen, progesterone – in quantities exceeding the physiological norm, acting on the wall of the vein and reduce its tone. This is due to the gradual destruction of connective fibers that provide strength and elasticity. Hormonal contraceptives, hormonal drugs for the treatment of menopause play an important role in the development of varicose veins.


The increase in circulating blood volume, compression of the uterus large veins, which pass behind the back wall, increasing intra-abdominal pressure doing pregnancy is one of the main causes of varicose veins in women.