Home / Diseases of the cardiovascular system / Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) first degree

Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) first degree


Symptoms of mitral prolapse in the first degree is usually expressed to a lesser extent, and in some cases might be missing altogether. Most often this condition manifests itself with pain in the left side of the chest, not associated with myocardial ischemia. It can last for several minutes, and may persist throughout the day. There is no connection with physical activity, but sometimes, pain is triggered by emotional experiences.

Other manifestations are:

  • the feeling of lack of air and inability to breathe deeply;
  • violations heart rhythm (fast or slow heartbeat, interruptions and premature beats);
  • frequent headaches, accompanied by dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness for no apparent reason;
  • a small increase in the system temperature in the absence of infectious diseases.

As PMK is quite often combined with vegetative-vascular dystonia, can join and its symptoms.


To suspect mitral valve prolapse in the first degree, it is enough to ask the patient about his complaints and to listen to the heartbeat with a stethoscope. But as the regurgitation of blood is not expressed, the sign of (heart murmur) may be missing, so you have to resort to more accurate diagnostic methods.

ECHO-cardiography is most clearly allows us to judge the condition and operation of the valves. If additional Doppler study can estimate what is the volume of blood and the speed with which it returns into the Atria during systole (ventricular contraction). ECG is auxiliary as it does not reflect the full extent of the changes accompanying PMK.