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Cardiovascular failure and its treatment


Heart failure may have severe symptoms, but sometimes occurs without any symptoms. The severity of disease and number of symptoms are not connected. That is, when the significant weakening of the heart muscle, the patient can not feel anything, whereas when a minor defeat there has been a lot of complaints.

In heart failure, alterations occur in the body. Symptoms depends on which side of the heart, right or left, amazed. When left ventricular failure is overflowing the pulmonary circulation and the heart, and the blood partially enters the lungs. Resulted in breathing, a cough, the skin becomes pale or bluish tint. When right heart failure, overflows a peripheral vein, and the blood propotevaet in the fabric forming the swelling. Some of the most common symptoms of CH include:


It is important to observe the regime of work and rest, to give up Smoking. Need to avoid fatigue and work related to large physical exertion. High loads and bad habits are the common causes of deterioration of the General condition SN.

Patients with heart failure showed regular physiotherapy, which slows the progression of heart failure, improves the General condition, reduces the symptoms.

Avoid respiratory infections, such as influenza, SARS, pneumonia and other.

The patient needs to fulfill all the requirements of a doctor. Treatment with drugs should be under medical supervision and can not be interrupted without consulting him.

Surgical treatment is indicated for the ineffectiveness of drug therapy. It aims at improving heart function and preventing further damage.

Bypass. One of the most common treatments for SN, in which the blood flow is directed to bypass the blocked vessel.

Operation on the valves. In heart failure, the valves are deformed, and the blood begins to flow in the opposite direction. In this case, required surgery for their replacement or restoration.

Operation Dora. Such treatment can be shown after infarction of the left ventricle. In this case, the heart still has the scar and the area around it thins and stretches with each contraction of the heart, the result is an aneurysm. During the surgical intervention aneurysm or remove dead tissue.

A heart transplant. In severe heart failure when other therapies are useless, you may need a heart transplant.

When to call the doctor?

Heart failure can be dangerous and lead to death. So you need to know in which cases you need to call the doctorwithout waiting for a scheduled appointment. This should be done upon detection of unusual symptoms, including:

  • Unexplained and quick weight gain.
  • The increased shortness of breath, especially in the morning.
  • The increase of edema in the legs and in the abdomen.
  • Fatigue more severe than usual.
  • Pulse greater than 100 beats.
  • Increased cough.
  • Chest pain during exercise.
  • Increased sleepiness or insomnia.
  • Rhythm disorders of the heart.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Confusion.
  • The sense of anxiety.
  • Rare urination.

It is also important to know when you want to call an ambulance to provide first aid. This should be done if:

  • patient have severe pain or discomfort in the chest, shortness of breath, sweating, weakness, nausea;
  • the heart rate reaches 150 beats per minute;
  • a sharp headache;
  • weakness or paralysis of extremities;
  • loss of consciousness.


The prognosis depends on how pronounced the symptoms are, and how diseased heart muscle, as well as the correctness of the chosen treatment and patient compliance all proposed physician regimens.