Home / Diseases of the cardiovascular system / Sinus tachycardia - what does this diagnosis?

Sinus tachycardia - what does this diagnosis?


Sinus tachycardia cause such substances as atropine, adrenaline, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, digitalis.

This type of arrhythmia is characteristic of infectious diseases. Here, in addition to toxic effects on the host, play a role:

  • temperature rise;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • anemia (decreased hemoglobin).

It is believed that a temperature increase of one degree causes an increase in heart rate by 8 – 10 strokes per minute. Hypertension is accompanied by decreased heart rate, reduced pressure is observed tachycardia. Especially pronounced sinus tachycardia in severe infections, septic conditions, when combining all types of exposure.


This form of tachycardia is characterized for the initial symptoms of heart failure. It is caused by a compensatory mechanism that improves the supply of oxygen to tissues. Observed in

  • myocardial infarction,
  • aneurysm of the heart,
  • the endocarditis,
  • heart disease,
  • hypertensive crises,
  • atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.


When moving from a prone position in the vertical, there is a rapid pulse. People with a certain type of nervous system is the acceleration is very strong. Such manifestations are especially common during convalescence from various diseases, if a person for a long time was forced to be on bed rest.


According to ICD-10 (international classification of diseases, tenth revision) sinus tachycardia belong to class I, 47.1, "supraventricular tachycardia". The terminology adopted in Russia, which in this case is not contrary to the IBC and clarifies it.

Clinical manifestations tachycardia from sinus node in the form of palpitations, pulsating tinnitus, dizziness, shortness of breath are often symptoms of other disorders associated with neuroses.


To eliminate sinus arrhythmia is sufficient to carry out good treatment of diseases caused by it (thyrotoxicosis, infectious diseases, hypertension, heart disease). The doctor in the appointment therapy always takes into account the heart rate. Usually warn about the need to control heart rate in the treatment of some drugs.

General procedures, strengthen the nervous system (massage, baths, showers), physiotherapy treatment at the same time soothe and normalize the patient's arrhythmia. In complex neurogenic cases recommended counseling, therapeutic hypnosis, auditory training.

If you experience palpitations, the known method of self-help: try to take deep breaths, after several breaths hold your breath at altitudeinhale, tighten your abdominal muscles. This simple method helps to cope with tachycardia.

People's recommendations


  • lemon balm herb,
  • flowers and fruits of hawthorn,
  • viburnum berries,
  • of Valerian root.

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It can be prepared without the steam bath, pour a tablespoon of crushed material in half-liter thermos and pour boiling water. Leave it overnight or for 5 – 6 hours. After straining drink before meals throughout the day, combine with honey. Hawthorn can be purchased over the counter in the form of alcoholic tinctures. You can add it to tea for 10 – 15 drops.

We should not forget that prolonged tachycardia is dangerous for its consequences. Partial and irregular contraction of the heart muscle causes it to over voltage, it requires more oxygen, disrupts the blood supply to the brain. Examination by a medical specialist should be carried out as early as possible. Early treatment can prevent development of severe diseases.