Home / Diseases of the cardiovascular system / Thrombosis of the veins in legs and its treatment

Thrombosis of the veins in legs and its treatment

Risk factors

Doctors there are several factors contributing to the development of venous thrombosis of the lower limbs:

  1. Weight.
  2. Heredity.
  3. The lack of exercise.
  4. Injuries of the lower extremities.
  5. The reception of hormonal contraceptive means.
  6. Age older than 40 years.
  7. Frequent and long flights and car trips.
  8. Smoking.
  9. Varicose veins.
  10. Pregnancy and childbirth.


To dissolve a clot and higher thrombolytic effect prescribed treatment. Special drugs are injected through a catheter with a needle. Such therapy is effective only at the beginning of the disease, but, unfortunately, it is not always possible to diagnose a thrombosis in the initial stage. It is often the first sign of getting pulmonary embolism.

If the veins of the legs detects moving blood clots, surgical treatment is necessary. Surgery for thrombosis is needed in that case, if the portion of the vessel compressed by lymph node or tumor.

Self-treatment of thrombosis of the lower extremities folk remedies is not permitted. It is dangerous to health and life, because it can result in disabilities or death.

Thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities strict diet is not assigned. It is recommended to avoid spicy, fatty, smoked, sweet, and foods containing cholesterol.

Post-thrombotic syndrome

This complication is thrombosis can develop as a result of damage to veins and valves, thus there is a rupture of capillaries and small hemorrhages. The symptoms of this syndrome are the following:

  • The brownish color of the skin at the site of injury.
  • Skin dryness, peeling, bruising.
  • Swelling, itching, and soreness of the affected areas, the appearance of ulcers, which heal poorly.