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Venous insufficiency and its treatment

The term "venous insufficiency" is used in medicine to refer to the mechanism of pathological changes. Fits it to any disease associated with the violation of the inflow of venous blood to the right heart. Statistics show that different forms of the disease affecting up to 40% of the population.

It is impossible to "blame" only the structure of the veins. The basis can hide a variety of factors. More clear separation of venous insufficiency as a consequence of the General circulatory deficiency, and local stagnation in the peripheral vessels. In this "equally extreme" are considered as the veins of the lower limbs, and brain.

What organs and tissues suffer the most?

More from venous congestion suffer brain tissue, liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen and skin.

Obstruction of outflow from the cranial cavity causes increased intracranial pressure, edema and swelling of brain tissue, hydrocephalus (dropsy). The foci of softening and hemorrhage in relation to the location and lead to neurological manifestations, the heavy strokes.

Hepatic changes are associated with stagnant venous insufficiency in the portal system of blood vessels that arise on the background of the overflow hollow veins. There are three stages:

  • nutmeg liver — increase and the seal body, the slit resembles a multi-colored kernels of nutmeg (gray-yellow background adipose dystrophy of cells with multiple small plots Burgundy full-blooded Central veins);
  • fibrosis seal liver occurs due to proliferation of connective tissue, the cut is dark red background (in connection with displacement of plethora from the center of the hepatic lobules to the periphery) with numerous small foci of fibrosis the gray color in the center;
  • cardiac cirrhosis — the replacement of slices in the scar tissue, the body becomes dense, hilly.

In mild venous outflow from the brain is difficult and manifests in healthy people with:

  • physical exertion, lifting weights;
  • while singing with breath;
  • musicians who play wind instruments;
  • Creek and heavy coughing;
  • in cases fasten tight collar;
  • the head tilts forward and to the side.

The reasons may be associated with tumors of the neck. Secondary insufficiency of the accompanies and complicates how heavy a symptom of a serious disease.

Risk factors possible insufficiency of the veins of the brain

Risk factors for the likely development of venous insufficiency of the brain include:

  • people working in professions that require heavy lifting (porters, repairers, sellers);
  • office workers, long time sitting in one position with a tilt or turn of the head, draftsmen;
  • high-altitude, underwater and undergroundprofession;
  • outdoor work under high or low temperatures and their fluctuations;
  • athletes swimmers and divers;
  • Opera singers;
  • people read so much in the wrong tense posture.

As you can see, the students in preparation for the session also are at risk.