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High blood pressure

High blood pressure in the arteries (140/90 mm Hg. column) in medicine is called arterial hypertension. Hypertension is a narrower concept. This is one of the forms of hypertension, which is an independent disease. Why it occurs is unknown. Secondary hypertension occurs in the background of other pathologies as it is a symptom. In use, these terms are usually used interchangeably.

The danger of hypertension lies in the fact that for a long time she has no symptoms. By the time when the disease already there are changes and dysfunction of major organs: heart, kidneys, brain.

Even a slight increase in blood pressure is several times increases the risk of developing strokes, kidney failure, heart attacks.

The number of people with high blood pressure is very high, with only half of them getting treatment, and only 15% full.

When measuring the HELL writes two values: upper (systolic), which is recorded during systole (contraction of the heart), and bottom (diastolic) – during diastole (relaxation of heart). Measured in mm Hg. post and written as a fraction. Optimal blood pressure – 120/80.

Drug therapy

A large number of antihypertensive agents, developed to date, allows you to monitor blood pressure. To independently assign itself the drugs is impossible. - The medication must take place exclusively under the supervision of a physician.

  • Diuretics (diuretics). These drugs promote the excretion of water and salts, as a result, the vessels dilate, the pressure is reduced. Diuretics should not take their own, because many of them wash out potassium. For refund additionally prescribe potassium supplements or potassium-sparing discharged from the means. Particularly effective diuretic in renal and cardiac insufficiency and also for treating hypertension in the elderly.
  • The ACE inhibitors. Expand arteries, lower blood pressure. Indicated for renal disease, heart failure, kidney damage in diabetes.
  • The blockers. Pressure drop occurs due to the blocking action of the nervous system that responds to stress with increased blood pressure. This group of drugs (most often beta-blockers) is prescribed to people who have had a heart attack, younger patients, patients with angina, tachycardia, migrenepodobnykh suffering from headaches.
  • Calcium antagonists. Lead to the expansion of the arteries, but the mechanism of action of they have a different in contrast to the ACE inhibitors. Usually prescribed to elderly patients, patients with arrhythmia and angina.
  • Agonists of imidazoline receptors – effective means to reduce blood pressure in all categories of patients.
  • Blockersreceptors to angiotensin II. Their mechanism of action is similar to the operation of ACE inhibitors. Side effects of these drugs are minimal.
  • For quick pressure reduction, for example, during hypertensive crisis, prescribed medications for intravenous administration. Is nitroprusside, nifedipine, nitroglycerin, diazoxide, and others. Are very fast, able dramatically to reduce the pressure, so patients need monitoring.