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Obstruction of the veins of the lower extremities

Blood clots in the veins of the lower extremities is quite common. Blockage of the deep veins is called in medicine, thrombosis, or phlebothrombosis. Blood clots in superficial veins, accompanied by their inflammation, thrombophlebitis. The lumen of the vessel may be closed partially or completely, respectively, the blood flow is impaired or stopped altogether. The clot may be attached to the wall, but may be movable (floating).


Blockage leg vein thrombosis is caused by three pathological processes:

  • the violation of the structure of the vessel wall;
  • blood clotting;
  • the slowing of blood flow.

It is considered that blockage of leg veins is found only in the elderly. In fact it is not. Acute occlusion due to thrombosis is observed in pregnant women, after breaks, during long flights or trips.

  • the pain in his leg, aggravated by walking or a long stay in the standing position. The condition improves if you put the foot on the platform;
  • swelling that appears after a while;
  • the feeling of heaviness and fullness in the leg;
  • pale skin below the site of thrombosis (sometimes it is bluish and glossy);
  • a sore foot is to the touch colder than the healthy;
  • dilated subcutaneous veins stood out on the second day.

Often the first sign of phlebothrombosis is pulmonary embolism – pulmonary embolism. The main symptoms of pulmonary embolism:

  • cough,
  • shortness of breath,
  • hemoptysis,
  • reflex cardiac arrest.

Treatment of thrombosis

Thrombosis is a dangerous condition, so treatment should be started immediately. If there is occlusion of the vessel below the knee, can be assigned to outpatient treatment (without hospitalization). In other cases, the person is taken to the hospital in the surgical Department.

With the help of ultrasound studies (duplex scanning and color Doppler ultrasound) to determine the type of clot and its localization.

First determine the properly documented thrombus in Vienna and whether the threat of pulmonary embolism. If there is no such danger, the patient must comply with bed rest for three to five days. Any heat treatments at this time are contraindicated. If accurate information on the situation of the blood clot there and get them is not possible, bed rest should last up to ten days, the leg should be raised.

Treatment can be conservative and operative.

Therapy is carried out only at an early stage. Prescribed pills and injections that normalize blood clotting, help to fix the clot, improve the flow of blood through the blood vessels, prevents the development of complications. Apply medicinalthe means of different groups:

  • painkillers (Diclofenac);
  • antibacterial;
  • anticoagulants (to reduce the activity of the coagulation system);
  • phlebotonics (Troxerutin, Caffeine, etc.);
  • angioprotectors (normalize metabolic processes in the vein walls, reduce their permeability).