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Conjunctival hyperemia eye

More than 30% of eye diseases accounts for conjunctivitis, inflammatory diseases of the outer shell. Despite the different nature, they have the same symptoms:

  • pains in the eyes,
  • the feeling of "foreign body",
  • lacrimation.

Conjunctival hyperemia is one of the signs of trouble. It is called "syndrome of the red eye". The severity depends on the causative agent of the disease, the previous condition of the mucous membrane of the eye, the body's defenses (immune system).

Hyperemia as a symptom, hyperemia occurs when arterial or venous vessels and capillaries. A full blood supply is necessary to ensure that important functions of the eyeball.

Learn more about the role of this symptom in the diagnosis of the disease can be learn from this article.

The perfusion conjunctival membrane may be a symptom of a General altered vascular tone, disturbed metabolism, stagnation in the brain. Therefore, the redness of the eyes we have to consider the complex serious pathology, indicating damage to the nervous and hormonal regulation.

Features of blood circulation in the eye

Without considering the peculiarities of blood supply is impossible to understand the type of hyperemia of the vessels and the effect of stagnation or spasm of the vessels of the skull.

The main artery — ophthalmic — departs from the internal carotid symmetrically on each side, goes into the orbit along the optic nerve. From it diverge branch to different parts of the eye, they form 2 of the system of microcirculation:

  1. The Central artery of the retina is routed inside the retina along with the nerve, its branches nourish only cerebral layer of the retina and have no connection with other vessels.
  2. The ciliary arteries are your blood circulation system to other parts of the eyeball with the front and rear, long and short branches. Vascular sheath formed by short arteries, using them is associated with the sclera and the vascular halo around the optic nerve.

All ciliary branches connected by anastomosis, form a circulation along the boundary of the iris and ciliary body.

The conjunctiva is the outer mucous membrane of the eye, which protects it from infection, trauma, foreign bodies, She first meets with inflammatory action of exogenous agents (viruses, bacteria, dust particles), because people involuntarily rubs his eyes and passes the infection with it.

But the hyperemia of the conjunctiva of the eye is accompanied by other diseases:

  • inflammatory nature (sclerites, uveitis, iridocyclitis);
  • tumors of the orbit;
  • compression of the vessels during an acute attack of glaucoma;
  • diseases of the eyelids.

Ophthalmologists know the methods of analysis of signs of hyperemiathe conjunctiva. From the correct diagnosis depends on the effectiveness of treatment. The most common redness of eyes and their distinctive characteristics are defined during the examination of the patient.

Vessels in the mucous membrane of the eyes also change under the influence of systemic metabolic disorders and chronic diseases. Diabetes and hypertension contribute to the formation of a large number of aneurysms in the background of the loss of tone of the walls of arterioles, their expansion.

Types of hyperemia of the eye depending on the depth of the lesion

Conjunctival hyperemia is accompanied by acute and chronic inflammation:

  • acute conjunctivitis is characterized by redness of the eyeball and the surface of the cartilage;
  • chronic — only reddens the cartilage close to the transitional fold.

Among acute conjunctivitis are the most common:

  • adenovirus — accompanied by epidemic outbreaks, but can occur in isolation without a common symptoms first flushing is located in the region of the transition folds in the second or third day covers the entire conjunctiva, simultaneously appear punctate vesicles, increased submandibular and parotid lymph nodes, infiltrates in the cornea to reduce vision;
  • gonorrheal — it belongs to the most severe inflammatory diseases of the conjunctiva, the mucosa sharply hyperemic, edematous, bleeds, quickly spread to the cornea of the eye with its ulceration, in case of complications occurs perforation and loss of the eye;
  • chlamydial, or follicular develops in urogenital chlamydia, on the background of erythematous shell appear grainy follicles with scanty discharge;
  • viral keratoconjunctivitis — often recorded outbreaks in institutions;
  • allergic — seasonal in nature during flowering of plants (a version of hay fever) or related to domestic allergens, the typical symptoms are watery eyes, swelling of the eyelids and hyperemia of the mucosa;
  • dry — found in hot climates and in older patients, redness is expressed moderately, patients complain of foreign body sensation, "sand", especially when moving the eyes.