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The main symptoms of a brain aneurysm

Objective evidence

Objective evidence of aneurysm of cerebral vessels can only be obtained with the help of special equipment.

When a computer or magnetic resonance tomography of the brain necessary to Supplement the usual research, take pictures on the background of the introduction into the bloodstream of a contrast agent. In this case, can be well considered the aneurysm, its size and localization. Some programs allow you to perform a 3D reconstruction, which are needed when planning operations.

The most complete information about the defect in an artery of the brain can be obtained using endovascular research. A special catheter through a puncture in the femoral artery contrast medium injected under fluoroscopic guidance performs a series of shots. In addition to diagnosis, you can quickly and therapeutic manipulation. It consists in filling the cavity with a special spirals, around which later formed a clot, and this portion of the vessel off from the bloodstream. A contraindication to this procedure is dissecting aneurysm of the aorta, as in the conduct of the catheter can damage the vessel wall, leading to massive bleeding and imminent death of the patient.

  • stiff neck when the doctor is unable to bring the patient's chin to the chest in a relaxed state;
  • a symptom of Kerning is associated with irritation of the meninges streamed with blood, it is that it is impossible to straighten the leg at the knee if it is bent in the hip;
  • symptom Brudzinskogo appears that when you try to bend the neck, legs spontaneously tightened to the trunk and pressing on the cheek reflexively raised shoulders, and arms bent in elbow joints;
  • in severe cases develop convulsions, loss of consciousness and coma.

Signs characteristic of irritation of the meninges, are found in meningitis. To distinguish the inflammatory nature of the disease it is necessary to analyze the cerebrospinal fluid. In this case, the CSF will show a large number of leukocytes, neutrophils and protein. In subarachnoid hemorrhage and the breakthrough of blood into the ventricles the liquid becomes pink due to admixture of erythrocytes. The ratio of formed elements in it will be the same as in the blood, so in parallel, we take the sample from a vein.

Local symptoms of rupture of the vessel associated with its location:

  • when localization in the region of division of the carotid artery are marked visual impairment;
  • lose anterior cerebral artery is accompanied by motor dysfunction of the lower extremities, as well asmental disorders;
  • rupture of middle cerebral artery leads to changes in speech and hemiparesis (unilateral movement disorders);
  • if a hematoma in the area of the vertebral-basilar system, the patient is unable to swallow, speak, there is a trembling of the limbs and unsteadiness of gait.

Very often, when the first rupture of the aneurysm symptoms are rather scarce, but the danger of the disease is that a very high risk of recurrent hemorrhage. That is why surgeons try to operate on the patient as early as possible from the moment the first signs.

Brain aneurysm – a congenital disorder of blood vessels that occurs every twentieth of a man. However, the gap is not always. Unfortunately, to detect this disease at early stages is not so easy, for this you need to perform a comprehensive examination using modern equipment. If there has been hemorrhage, the most common symptom is headache, but other signs are joined quickly enough and can cause irreparable harm. It is therefore necessary to immediately seek specialized help.