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Causes and treatment of frequent palpitations

Tachycardia – so in medicine is called palpitations, when the heart rate exceeds 90 beats per minute and can reach 150-220.

Disruptions of the heart in the form of palpitations and shortness of breath was experienced by all. This happens in healthy people with a strong emotion, fright and other emotional shocks. This is a normal response of the cardiovascular system to loads. But such symptoms have a physiological cause. During physical activity the heart starts beating faster all people, and everyone knows that so it should be. But if the heartbeat is not enough air and this is repeated periodically, even at low loads, to be tested. In such cases, the cause is likely disease.

  • to put the patient and keep him comfortable and he was able to breathe deeply and evenly;
  • to open the window, unbutton the collar, loosen the tie and remove the other garments impeding deep breathing;
  • wash your face with cool water.

To eliminate the heartbeat is often used sedatives (Valerian, Corvalol, valocordin). If they are not at hand, you can do the following:

  • Strain muscles of legs and abdomen for 10-15 seconds, then relax. After two minutes, repeat.
  • Take a deep breath, hold your breath for a few seconds, slowly exhale.
  • Massage the tips of the little fingers on the hands.

During pregnancy

During this period women often quickens the heartbeat. Usually heart rate in excess of 20-25 units. It is associated with weight gain, a change in the hormonal balance and metabolism, deficiency of magnesium and iron. In addition to frequent the heartbeat, the woman complains of dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain.

At normal pressure no drugs pregnant do not need to take. Doctors advise the expectant mother not to worry, take a walk, eat more fruits, do gymnastics and breathing exercises. At elevated pressure, headaches and shortness of breath can prescribe pills.

Episodic tachycardia

Isolated cases of increase in heart rate commonly associated with fatigue, insomnia, intake of energy drinks and other stimulants, certain medications, sudden joy, or, on the contrary, sad event. Tachycardia can occur in the night, while the man experiences fear, anxiety, weakness.

After drinking alcohol

Palpitations after alcohol is common. Heart always starts to beat faster, and it's a normal reaction. This tachycardia is considered to be physiological, if alcohol is accepted from case to case. In chronic alcoholism develops pathological tachycardia. The alcoholic with the experience brokenthe activity of the heart, and fix it is often impossible even in case of failure of an addiction.