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Rapid pulse and heart rate: normal or alarming?

The pulse depends on the rate of the heart. The higher the score, the greater the load the heart, the faster it pumps blood and oxygen. What can cause palpitations and how dangerous is it? Try to understand.


The pulse is characterized by several quantities.

Frequency – number of beats per minute. It is necessary to measure correctly. The pulse in the sitting position and in the supine position may differ. Therefore, when measuring use the same position, otherwise the data obtained may be misinterpreted. The frequency toward evening quickens. Therefore do not be alarmed if in the morning it the value 75, and 85 in the evening is normal.

Rapid pulse: causes

The first and foremost reason, as in the case of many other diseases is a sedentary lifestyle. The second – a weak heart muscle that is unable to maintain a normal blood flow even with small physical activity.

In some cases a rapid pulse may be the norm. It happens in old age and during the first years of life. Thus, in newborns heart rate – 120-150 beats per minute, which is not a deviation, and is associated with rapid growth.

Often rapid pulse is a symptom of tachycardia when it is in a relaxed state of human body.

Tachycardia may be the result of:

  • Fever;
  • The improper functioning of the nervous system;
  • Disorders of the endocrine system;
  • Poisoning the body with toxins or alcohol;
  • Stress, neuroses;
  • Cancer
  • Cachexia;
  • Anemia;
  • Lesions of the myocardium;
  • Infectious diseases.

If the pressure is not concerned, but heart rate is elevated – it is an alarming signal and a weighty reason for visiting the doctor. In this case, the doctor will prescribe tests to determine the cause of frequent palpitations. Usually, the cause is thyroid disease, or hormonal disturbance.

Attack fast pulse at normal pressure can be reduced to nothing.

  • To cough;
  • I have to pinch myself;
  • To blow the nose;
  • Wash with cold water.

Treatment of palpitations

If palpitations are frequent due to high temperature, it will help antipyretic drugs and methods.

If the heart is ready to burst out of my chest due to excessive physical exertion, you should stop and rest a while.

When tachycardia is recommended to drink a glass of clean cold water in small SIPS, holding the breath. This simple technique helps normalize the heart rate.

Acupressure neck – very effective. But to do that people have experiencedmassaging the area of pulsation of the carotid artery from right to left. Breaking the sequence, it is possible to bring the person before fainting.