Home / Diagnosis of diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system / Ultrasound of the vessels and the heart in the diagnosis of various diseases

Ultrasound of the vessels and the heart in the diagnosis of various diseases

Despite the development and use of new drugs, the introduction of the principles of prevention, diseases of the heart and blood vessels have persistently held top places in the overall morbidity of the population. Moreover, they remain major causes of death, determine the duration of human life.

Therefore, in the practice of medicine welcome any methods of early diagnosis (in the initial or preclinical phase of the disease). To him rightfully belongs ultrasonography — ultrasound of the blood vessels and heart.

The biophysical basis for the use of ultrasound

Initial development of the instrument with the ultrasound had absolutely no relationship to medicine. They were used to search for submarines, the definition of marriage when melting metal. The first health project was an attempt to analyze the brain using echoencephalography.

Doppler study can also register:

  • eddy the flow of blood in the vessels and chambers of the heart;
  • the filling defects on a color filled map.

What you need to know about the vessels for a correct interpretation of the ultrasound data

The doctor's ultrasound diagnosis expect not just numbers, and decrypt and instructions on the form of pathological changes. Therefore it is necessary to consider the peculiarities of structure and functioning of individual vessels.

Ultrasound of the arteries must take into account their type:

  • elastic — a sign of the aorta and the pulmonary artery;
  • muscular-elastic — carotid, vertebral, subclavian;
  • muscular limbs, internal organs and torso.

Characteristics of veins:

  • basmacheskie or fiber (no valve) — located in the meninges, retina, bone, spleen, placenta;
  • muscular — with thick layers (on the legs, the lower hollow Vienna and its ramifications), middle (to upper limbs), poor (veins of face, neck, vessels of the brachiocephalic zone, the upper hollow).

Peculiarities of hemodynamics

In normal physiological hemodynamics blood moves from the heart to the periphery at a known rate. Particles move in a laminar way (parallel to the walls of separate layers). The maximum mobility observed in the middle stream and lowest in the parietal region.

The patient is asked to lie down on the couch in a comfortable position, relax the muscles. On the skin apply a small amount of gel. The sensor head, the doctor moves the study area. Some types require the use of multiple points and projections. Ultrasound of the brain vessels is carried out from three points:

  • the orbital zone
  • temporal,
  • occipital.

Only thus it is possible to check all of the brachiocephalic artery (spine + brain) and giveconclusion the intracerebral circulation.

Ultrasound of renal vessels is carried out in the supine position and a side, as close sensor of the apparatus to the area of the authority.

The examination is completely painless. Takes about 30 minutes. The certificate is issued immediately.

Is it dangerous ultrasound

For a long time the influence of ultrasound on humans were considered absolutely safe. But there is work indicating the adverse impact of ultrasound on the chromosomes of the fetus. This applies to pregnant women. Confirmed the Association of ultrasound with genetic mutations.

In Japan, ultrasound expectant mother is only for serious rationale.

There is also evidence of damage to the hand of the doctor, where he holds the sensor.

Method of ultrasound continues to evolve and is applied in different fields of medicine. The survey carries important information. Prices of different types vary from 600 to 4000 roubles Is cheaper, than MRI or the cost of computer diagnostics, so many people prefer ultrasonic method of diagnosis.