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Blood and bleeding

Why neutrophils are reduced in the adult, what it means, their rate of blood

The fact that in some diseases, for example, in viral infections, the total white blood cell count is normal or slightly increased. Thus, changes in the leukocyte formula, that is, read more...

Why neutrophils are reduced in a child, their rate of blood, the reasons for the increase

Causes of increased neutrophilsIf the level of neutrophils in children slightly exceeds the norm, most likely, cause for concern. This condition can occur after physical activity.If there is a significant read more...

The absolute content of basophils in child, adult, raising and norm

allergic reaction in the body in the absence of striking clinical manifestations;myeloproliferative disease in which there is uncontrolled division of progenitor cells in the hematopoietic organ (miliitary leukemia, polycythemia Vera);endocrine read more...

Monocytes in the blood: the normal women and men that it is their function

Tasks of monocytesFunctions of monocytes are defined by their capabilities and longer uptime. Cells, unlike other cells, do not die after a single "battle", and capable of repeated attacks.Having received read more...

Why monocytes are elevated in a child, their rate of blood in children

How many monocytes should be the childFor the characterization of the content of monocytes used quantitative indicators of cell count in the smear with the terms of a liter of read more...

Why monocytes is reduced in the blood in an adult and what it means

ReasonsThe reasons that can result in the reduction in monocytes are:acute severe infectious diseases, e.g., typhoid and spotted fever, in which there is a "cost overrun" of the cells;any illness read more...

Why monocytes increased in the blood of an adult and what it means

For the evaluation of the result is important both figures. In sharp fluctuations in the number of other cells within the leukocyte formula may change (higher than normal or lower) read more...

Hematocrit: normal women, the causes of its increase and decrease in the blood

dehydration (dehydration), which can happen with diarrhea, severe vomiting, sweating, diabetes;malignant diseases of the blood, such as leukaemia;erythremia, primary polycythemia);the secondary polycythemia;tumors in the kidney, which increases the formation of read more...

Calcium in the blood, it increased and decreased content of

When prescribed analysis for Ca?To determine the level of calcium in the blood serum there are two types of research. This analysis of ionized and analysis of the total calcium read more...

Why are neutrophils increased during pregnancy in the blood, they are the norm in women

The downgradeA condition in which neutrophils are reduced to 1,6Х10⁹ per liter and below, is called neutropenia. It may be associated with intense destruction of granulocytes, inhibition of hematopoiesis in read more...

What if the blood is thick: how to liquefy, symptoms, causes

The causes of pathologyAs is known, blood consists of 90% liquid part – plasma and 10% dry residue, which includes blood cells, biologically active (enzymes, hormones) and nutrients. The decrease read more...

Blood parameters in health and diseases in children and adults

PlateletsPlatelets are small red blood plates, deprived of the kernel. They are involved in the formation of the primary clot, activates plasma coagulation factors and nourish the inner wall of read more...

What does it mean when a reduced eosinophils in the blood, causes in adults and children

Reasons for the decrease in eosinophils is such pathology:sepsis;infection in the initial stage;burns;long-lasting pain;dysentery, typhoid fever, acute appendicitis (level can reach 0%);diabetic and uremic coma;porphyria.In acute infections, eosinophils may remain read more...

Eosinophils: what is the norm in the blood of children, women and men

TreatmentTo schedule a treatment, you need to find out the cause of the high content of eosinophils. This requires a number of additional surveys, including:analysis of feces and urine;a chest read more...

How to increase white blood cell count (to raise): the products, folk remedies

Treatment of folk remediesTreatment with traditional methods should be carried out after consultation with the doctor (therapist, hematologist) both independently and in patients receiving drugs. This approach significantly improves the read more...

Hypochromic and microcytic anemia: what is it, treatment, drugs

ReasonsCause the development of hypochromic anemia may be:acute significant blood loss (injuries in the course of operative interventions in childbirth);long lasting bleeding (uterine with heavy menstruation, tumors of the uterus, read more...

Acute and chronic erythremia: symptoms and treatment, folk remedies

Why mutation occursCauses of erythremia, up to the present time is uncertain. Only identified risk factors. These include:genetic predisposition — proven greater frequency of disease in one family; the specific read more...

Coagulation: the norm and the decoding performance of the blood test

Indications for analysisEvaluation of the coagulation system.Planned surgical intervention. During surgery, possible bleeding, it is therefore necessary to obtain information about the status of the hemostatic system.The bearing of fruit. read more...

Blood donation: how to donate, training and diet, contraindications

There are temporary contraindications. You cannot donate blood in the following cases:within six months after returning from a business trip abroad lasting more than 2 months;during pregnancy and breastfeeding;within 6 read more...

Is it good to donate blood or harmful to men and women

Why is it safe?Many believe that even if the return of blood, the body does not suffer, there is always the risk of Contracting infectious diseases through the tools. In read more...

Why the hematocrit is decreased in a child, the rate in children, the reasons for the increase

Norms in childrenThe normal hematocrit varies depending on the age of the child:in newborns, the level should be between 44 to 62%;up to 3 months – from 32 to 44%;from read more...

Why the hematocrit is decreased in pregnancy, or increased, its rate of blood

What happens when you have low hematocrit?If the Ht is lowered, heart and vessels subject to high loads. The cells of the tissue not getting enough oxygen and nutrients, they read more...
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