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Blood and bleeding

Hemolysis of blood: what it is, causes the destruction of red blood cells in the fence

Bacterial toxins (streptococcal, typhoid);Viruses;Parasites (malaria Plasmodium);Toxic substances and poisons (lead compounds and arsenic, gasoline, vinegar essence);The bites of poisonous snakes, insects (Viper venom, tarantula, bee);Poisonous mushrooms;Some medications (penicilin, sulfa drugs);Autoimmune read more...

The high content of leukocytes in the blood: the main causes

ReasonsThe following causes of leukocytosis:acute infectious diseases caused by bacterial infection (pneumonia, pyelonephritis, otitis media);acute surgical diseases (appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, various phlegmon of soft tissues);chronic diseases in the acute stage read more...

High bilirubin in the blood: why it is elevated?

ReasonsWhy bilirubin accumulates and its concentration in the blood increases? There are two main reasons for the increasing level of indirect pigment: excessive breakdown of red blood cells and problems read more...

Blood clots menstruation: the reasons for such discharge

Usually when menstruation clots of blood as soon as the woman gets out of bed after sleep or from a chair after prolonged sitting. This is because blood in the read more...

Blood on hormones of a thyroid gland: analysis, evaluation

Reduced hormone production (hypothyroidism) is suspected when:drowsiness, slow speech;rare heart rhythm;weight gain;mental disabilities;for children with impairment of the mental or overall physical growth and development;in adults with disturbed menstruation and read more...

Lipid profile blood analysis for lipid profile (lipids) what it is

Unhealthy fats and cholesterol fractionsBlood cholesterol is moved to proteins. There are following types of complexes of lipids:low density lipoproteins (LDL) – the harmful fraction of lipids in the blood, read more...

Sepsis blood: what is it, symptoms and causes, treatment and diagnosis

As people become ill with sepsisMore likely to have sick people with chronic diseases, chronically ill, depleted immunity. In this situation, the inflammation cannot be localized. The immune system is read more...

How many liters of blood in a human adult body and the child)

Blood transportorul oxygen from the lungs to the tissue cells and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs, transports the products of metabolism, nutrients, hormones, enzymes, biologically active substances read more...

ESR in the blood: what is it, level with women, men and children

The normal erythrocyte sedimentation rateThe erythrocyte sedimentation rate is different in men, women and children and also depends on age. ESR in blood of women of normal averages up to read more...

Than to increase the hemoglobin in the blood (drugs) and how fast to do it

How to eat?Diet plays an important role. For the normalization of hemoglobin levels in first place to food of animal origin. To improve it, it is recommended to include meat read more...

Than to raise the hemoglobin in the blood: foods to increase this figure

Bleeding, lack of red blood cellsMeasures to increase hemoglobin in large blood loss must be made quickly, requires life-threatening situation.In addition to the haemostatic means have to pass the transfusion read more...

O negative blood group: the advantages and disadvantages of diet

AdvantagesThe man, who is negative, due to the lack of antigenic properties is considered the safest donor for a blood transfusion. In the absence of single-group in life-threatening situations it read more...

Low white blood cell count: causes, symptoms and treatment

The violation of the formation of white blood cellsReduced formation of white cells in the event of:Congenital diseases, such as kostman's syndrome.Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS disrupts the formation and differentiation read more...

ALT in the blood: normal, causes increased rate and how to reduce

When ALT reducedReduced levels of ALT may with a deficit of folic acid and certain vitamins. In liver cirrhosis the reduction of ALT – a bad prognostic sign, saying the read more...

Hiles blood: what is it, what causes "fatty" serum

Files can be one of the manifestations of the following diseases:cardiovascular: myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, thrombosis of cerebral vessels;musculoskeletal system: arthritis, gout, arthritis;chronic or acute pancreatitis;disorders read more...

How to lower hemoglobin in the blood than it is to make (products and medicines)

High hemoglobin in the newborn infant due to intrauterine hypoxia, when a fetus not getting enough oxygen because of placental insufficiency.The reason for the high concentration of iron-containing protein can read more...

The rarest blood group in humans: what it is and what it depends on

The second came when a person has changed they stopped eating raw meat and added to your diet greens, roots, and fruits of plants.The third originated in Asia. Her education read more...

4 blood group (RH positive and negative), advice on diet

What about the RH?RH factor, the distinctive lipoprotein erythrocytic cells may be present (when talking about RH-positive blood) or absent (RH-negative).It is estimated that among people with the fourth group read more...

Elevated blood cholesterol: causes, symptoms and treatment + diet

Varieties and rate the contentCholesterol constantly circulates in the body with the blood, of cells and tissues to the liver for excretion. Or, on the contrary, synthesized in the liver, read more...

Compatibility by blood group and RH factor: what groups are incompatible

Compatibility transfusionIf strictly guided transfusion compatibility by blood group. A single-group blood transfusions, but in exceptional cases, in its absence, in emergency situations, the permissible transfusion of the first group, read more...

Causes of elevated eosinophils in the blood: why more content

Causes of eosinophiliaThe main reasons for the increase in eosinophils associated with the increase the body's need for protection.Allergic reactions from local to the expressed total. Eosinophils purified from human read more...

Cleaning the blood from toxins at home (IV fluids, drugs)

This procedure is in vitro, that is, passing outside the body of the patient. The method consists in blood sample portions, after which it is separated and removed contaminated by read more...
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