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What's the reticulocytes in the blood

Reticulocytes are the precursors of red blood cells with remnants of ribonucleic acids (RNA). They circulate in the peripheral blood in small numbers. These cells are formed from normoblasts in the bone marrow, where about two days. Then immature erythrocytes enter the blood. Under the influence of the hormone erythropoietin secreted by the kidneys and released into the blood, they become Mature erythrocytes. This process takes about two days.

When accelerating the formation of red cells the number of reticulocytes in the blood increases, the deceleration decreases. The mechanism of increase of reticulocytes is such that with increased destruction of red blood cells, their levels will increase dramatically and account for half of all red cells. In addition, blood may appear predecessors reticulocytes – normoblasts.

Thus, the activity of these cells shows how fast the bone marrow is the formation of red blood cells. The fraction of reticulocytes in blood reflects the properties of bone marrow, in particular its regenerative capacity.

What constitutes and the functions of

This is a non-nuclear cell is pink in color with a bluish tint. Microscopic examination they are visible intracellular structures, which have no red blood cells. It is filamentous and granular education: mitochondria, remnants of RNA and other organelles.

The reticulocytes to perform the same functions as the red blood cells, that is, carry oxygen, but less efficient.

The norm

The rate of reticulocytes vary with age: in infants, their level is higher than that of an adult. After 12 years, their number depends on the floor. It is connected with the beginning of menstruation in girls and the monthly blood loss.

The figure in the General analysis of blood is measured as a percentage of the total number of red cell (symbol - RTC). Rules of reticulocytes are presented in the table:

A newborn child0,15-1,50,15-1,5
2 weeks0,45-2,10,45-2,1
1-2 months0,25-0,90,25-0,9
6 months0,2-10,2-1
To 6 years0,2-0,70,2-0,7
From 6 to 12 years0,2-1,30,2-1,3
After 12 years0,12-2,05Of 0.24-1.7 m

How is

Determination of the level of reticulocytes not included in the clinical analysis of blood and is assigned additionally, if there are indications.Their number is counted by microscopic examination of a blood smear. The method consists in identifying cells with granular-lattice substances that are visible by staining special alkaline dyes.

Sharp drop of these cells (even to zero) is characteristic of diseases which are accompanied by rapid destruction of red blood cells. This happens in certain blood diseases, particularly in anemia:

  • B12-deficiency,
  • aplastic,
  • aplastic.

The severity of anemia indicates the production of reticulocytes, which is equal to the standard RCT, multiplied by the number hematocrite.

The hematopoietic system is depleted in the abuse of alcohol. Alcohol brings triple the damage:

  • inhibits bone marrow;
  • suppresses kidney function;
  • in the alcohol of a toxic substance when injected into the bloodstream to destroy these cells.

Activity production of reticulocytes may decrease in malignant tumors with metastases in the bone marrow, autoimmune pathologies of the hematopoietic system, myxedema, radiation and chemotherapy.

To reduce the level of reticulocytes may cause taking certain medications:

  • cytostatics;
  • some antibiotics;
  • antiepileptic medications;
  • immunosuppressants.

If the reticulocytes increased

The increase in reticulocytes can be both bad and good sign.

The increase in the number of these cells occurs when the following pathologies:

  • cancer with metastasis to the bone marrow (their level can fall, it depends on what part of the brain affected);
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • thalassemia;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • malaria.