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How to increase white blood cell count after chemotherapy?

Through diet

Restore white blood cells after chemotherapy will help balanced diet. Typically, the doctor recommends foods that increase white blood cells. To raise the leukocytes must adhere to the following nutritional guidelines:

  1. To include in the diet more fruits, berries vegetables. To prefer fruit red: red peppers, pomegranate, red currant, beet, carrots and others.
  2. To provide the body with easily digestible proteins. It's beef and chicken broth, boiled chicken and beef, fish, mussels, shrimp, sea cabbage.
  3. A special role is given walnuts. It is recommended to eat daily for a few pieces.
  4. Is buckwheat. You can fill in the evening well washed cereal and yogurt in the morning to eat for Breakfast.
  5. To eat dairy products.
  6. At low leukocytes is useful to eat fish red grapes and red caviar.
  7. Drink fruit and vegetable juices: carrot, beet, pomegranate. Juices must be fresh and not too concentrated. Pomegranate juice should be diluted with water in the ratio 1:2. To prepare the beet juice, the beets need to finely grate, put a bit of sugar, leave for half a day, then squeeze. Drink the juice throughout the day after eating dessert spoon, slightly diluted with water.
  8. Every morning fasting to eat one to two tablespoons of natural honey.
  9. Allowed to drink small amounts of red wine, which positively affect the level of white blood cells.
  10. The daily volume of fluid should be no less than 2 liters. To drink perfect green tea, fresh juices, fruit drinks, juices, compote of red berries and fruits.

To prepare the medication you take two tablespoons of the herbs and pour cold water in the amount of 300 grams. Insist takes about two hours, then filtered and drink twice a day for ¼ Cup.

A decoction of barley

If leukocyte counts fell, folk healers recommended to be treated with a decoction of barley. Grain add water (1.5 cups to take 2 liters of water), put on fire, bring to boil and cook until until the water does not become two times less. Drink the decoction is recommended with honey.


10 grams of the root of Solomon's seal and currant leaves, 40 grams of dandelion root to grind and mix. One teaspoon of the mixture pour boiling water (Cup) and for 10 minutes to boil. Then remove from heat and let stand for about 20 minutes. After straining add boiling water to a full glass and drink per day in three divided doses before meals.

In conclusion

Chemotherapy is unpleasant, burdened with many side effects, but the necessary treatment for malignantdiseases. Almost all patients require rehabilitation, which includes increasing the level of leukocytes, which perform an important function. In this period, with the decrease in immune protection of the body especially susceptible to infectious diseases. Treatment of leukopenia should be comprehensive. Along with medication you need to eat right and more to walk in the fresh air. Additionally, you can take home remedies prepared according to popular recipes.