Home / Blood and bleeding / How to reduce bleeding during menstruation or stop it?

How to reduce bleeding during menstruation or stop it?

Traditional healers recommend the use of nettle during heavy menstruation. To stop the bleeding is recommended to drink half a Cup of decoction of nettles five times a day. To prepare take a tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of hot water, boil for about 10 minutes, then insist about half an hour. Nettle not only reduces blood loss, but also normalizes the menstrual cycle (onset of menstruation).

In addition to broth, you can use the juice or nettle fresh. To stop the bleeding juice diluted in water (¼Cup — tea spoon of juice) and drink before meals for 20 minutes.

In addition, a decoction of nettles, you can add herbs that have analgesic and sedative effect. For pain, and to increase the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin can be added to equal proportions of horsetail and bear ears.

It is important to know that nettle increases blood clotting, so it shows not all. People with a tendency to rapid coagulation is impossible to drink a decoction of nettle for more than three days, but it is best to consult a doctor.

In conclusion

Profuse discharge during menstruation can talk about the development of the disease. Attending physician in this case. To cope with the problem, you need to know about the reasons of its occurrence. Not worth it at your own risk to take pills that can have different side effects, or treated with folk remedies to stop or reduce bleeding. Preparations must appoint a physician on an individual basis.