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Clinical features and symptoms of intestinal bleeding

During bleeding loss occurs by the body of a certain volume of circulating blood. When this is lost, as blood cells and blood plasma. This affects the supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients to all organs and tissues. Occurs oxygen starvation in the first place, sensitive systems – the nervous and cardiovascular. There is centralization of blood circulation, which is completely closed and spazmiruyutsya all the small vessels in the skin, limbs and minor organs. Thus, the body tries to keep blood circulation in the vital systems (heart and brain). If the bleeding will not be stopped in time, it will inevitably lead to the gradual death of the body.

In the case of chronic blood loss is a loss not so much of the volume of circulating blood as red blood cells. This condition does not pose a risk direct threat to the life, but provokes the development of post-hemorrhagic anemia (reduction of hemoglobin and red blood cells), which disrupts the normal functioning of all organs and the General condition of the body. The more pronounced the degree, the brighter the clinical manifestations.

Signs of gastric bleeding

The main thing with any form of intestinal bleeding - timeliness of detection. With massive, acute-onset bleeding problems of diagnosis arises. Their display is so bright that immediately indicate a correct diagnosis as soon as they arise. Quite different is the case with the chronic bleeding. This person for a long time may not notice secondary symptoms until disturbed General condition.

Symptoms, which can be used to suspect gastrointestinal bleeding are:

  1. Vomiting blood, clots, brown mass on the type of coffee grounds;
  2. Nausea that precedes vomiting;
  3. Decorated feces black color (tarry);
  4. Liquid bloody or dark cherry stool (melena);
  5. The fall of blood pressure (hypotension);
  6. Frequent palpitations and heart rate (tachycardia);
  7. Pallor of skin and mucous membranes;
  8. Dizziness and weakness;
  9. Fainting and dizziness are the most fearsome features.

It is important to remember that bleeding into the lumen of the intestinal tube differ from internal bleeding that in the latter, blood flows into the abdominal cavity. There is no direct contact of blood with air. Therefore, it is possible to inject back to the patient by intravenous infusion. Gastric bleeding this is not possible. They usually begin spontaneously, without any preceding symptoms. If involvedis a large vessel, vomiting and disturbance of the General condition developed simultaneously. If the bleeding is gradual, the the fore symptoms of blood in the cavity of the digestive tract. The General condition is disturbed with increasing anemia.