Home / Blood and bleeding / Features and treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids

Features and treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids

Because not only hemorrhoids can occur the release of blood from the anus, it is important to know the diagnostic criteria, which are specific to him. Hemorrhoidal bleeding inherent in such features:

  1. Arise from the increased venous pressure. That is why hemorrhoids bleeding mainly during defecation or heavy physical activity.
  2. The first portion of the dark blood. Immediately after the exit of feces from the anus begins to bleed throbbing a little trickle of bright blood. This is due to the fact that even though the hemorrhoid venous plexus are represented, but their blood supply is carried out of arterial blood vessels.
  3. Bleeding hemorrhoids terminate on their own after a while and rarely require medical intervention for him to stop.
  4. Hemorrhoidal bleeding does not occur at rest and are never accompanied by brown or secretions of different nature.

Disease, simulating hemorrhoidal bleeding

Bright blood from the anus can be not only hemorrhoids. Sometimes she accompanies certain diseases of rectum and sigmoid. Therefore, it is desirable to bear them in mind, especially people who long suffer from chronic hemorrhoids. Because it is often the reason for the development of other rectal pathology. Resemble the symptoms of hemorrhoids bleeding can:

  1. Acute and chronic anal fissure;
  2. Bleeding polyps of rectum and sigmoid;
  3. Cancer;
  4. Erosive and ulcerative practice of any origin;
  5. Injuries and foreign bodies of the rectum;
  6. Medical manipulations.

It cannot, therefore, bleeding hemorrhoids only be considered the manifestation of this disease. Should be systematically examined to prevent the progression of more serious diseases.