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Causes and treatment of bleeding from the uterus

Therefore, the symptoms and the clinical picture of this condition presents:

  1. Constant spotting bleeding from the uterus, does not violate the General condition;
  2. Bleeding from the uterus during menstruation, leading to large blood loss and mild anaemia;
  3. Spotting in the middle of the menstrual cycle without apparent reason;
  4. Active after dark or bright fresh blood with clots, impaired General condition and shock.

Each of these clinical variants has its origins and focus of therapeutic interventions designed to stop bleeding and blood loss.

Signs of severe uterine bleeding

It is extremely important to know the signs of threatening uterine bleeding with massive blood loss. Because they signal about the impending threat to the lives of women. These include:

  1. Abundant spotting for a short period of time;
  2. General weakness and dizziness;
  3. Sudden pallor of the skin;
  4. Lowering blood pressure below those numbers that are characteristic of women usually;
  5. Rapid pulse and heartbeat;
  6. Drowsiness and apathy.

The appearance, at least some of these symptoms, is cause for immediate treatment for medical help. Otherwise, there is a risk of development of hemorrhagic shock and death of the patient.

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The risk of uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding characterized by capacity for rapid growth, long lasting and relatively poor opportunities of their stay. In this regard, perhaps the development of different scenarios of the outcome of the condition:

  1. Regular moderate blood loss, leading to bleeding and patients with anemia of different severity. Direct threat for life is not responsible. Typical for a small but prolonged bleeding from the uterus;
  2. Bleeding with massive blood loss simultaneously. As a rule, it is very hard to stop. Often ends in severe condition of patients and requires surgical treatment with removal of the bleeding uterus;
  3. A small bleeding from the uterus that for a long time did not pay attention, because of their everyday life for patients. They are not an immediate threat and do not cause severe anemia. The danger is that when this occurs, the progression of the primary disease, which acts as the cause of bleeding. Sooner or later, will end profuse bleeding or the development of severe forms of primarydiseases;
  4. Bleeding pregnant or in the postpartum period. Characterized by high intensity and severity compared to other causes of their development. This is due to the poor ability of the uterus to contract and self-bleeding. Therefore, they often end in serious shock conditions, and the use of surgical treatment to stop.
  • Hemostatic and hemostatic therapy. Performed by the intravenous administration of drugs: dicynone, etamsylate, aminocaproic acid, menadione, tuhina, NovoSeven (7 coagulation factor), cryoprecipitate, platelet mass;
  • Infusion therapy. Designed for restoration of lost blood volume. For these purposes: reosorbilakt, Trisol, gemodez, refortan, the washed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma infusion and other environment;
  • Vitamin drugs that promote bleeding: ascorbic acid, calcium gluconate or chloride;
  • Hormonal hemostasis. Involves the use of high doses of estrogen or progesterone hormones. Shown in the case of dysfunctional bleeding from the uterus and is not effective when organic their origin;
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic curettage of the uterine cavity. Is one of the most effective techniques to quickly stop uterine bleeding of any origin. By fractional curettage of the endometrium produce the fence from different parts of the uterus, which makes it possible to identify the precise nature and localization of source of bleeding in the uterus under the microscope. The therapeutic purpose of the meeting is removal bleeding of the endometrium, which causes powerful uterine contractions and compression of the bleeding vessels at the same;
  • Temporary clipping of uterine arteries. Shown in the case of absence of effect from the above methods and continuous bleeding. Represents the imposition of special soft clamps on the uterine ligaments through the vagina;
  • Surgical treatment. Refers to the forced events when ongoing bleeding from the uterus of any origin and of their inability to stop the complex of conservative methods. The operation involves only one thing – removal of the uterus as the bleeding body. Indeed, in such cases, it is not so much about saving, how about saving a woman's life.

Uterine bleeding was, is and will be one of the most complex problems of emergency surgery. Given this fact, it is not necessary to push yourself to the extreme condition in case of detection of their symptoms. Early seeking medical help is the only lasting solution to the most difficult situations.