Home / Blood and bleeding / The symptoms of pulmonary hemorrhage and first aid

The symptoms of pulmonary hemorrhage and first aid

Because pulmonary hemorrhage refers to heavy conditions, medical assistance must start as early as possible. In the first stage, the scope of activities is very limited and can be provided to aid thus:

  1. To give a half upright position with lowered legs and feet, preferably polubokom. This will reduce the pressure in the blood vessels of the lung and contribute to normal its excretion from the bronchi;
  2. To calm the patient;
  3. Urgently to be hospitalized in the nearest medical institution.

In any hospital first aid in pulmonary hemorrhage is slightly wider, but does not always lead to the desired result. It includes:

  1. Conducting x-ray examination of the lungs. Only then can roughly determine the cause of the problem;
  2. Infusion therapy saline and colloid solutions (isotonic solution of sodium chloride, ringer, Trisol, reosorbilakt, refortan, stabisol);
  3. Hemostatic agents (haemostatic): etamsilat, vikasol, aminocaproic acid;
  4. Instalatii humidified oxygen;
  5. Diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy – can help to identify and somehow act on the source of the bleeding in the case of localization in the large bronchi;
  6. Emergency surgery. As first aid in pulmonary hemorrhage occurs only when the source is known in advance, when it could bring effect. Unfortunately, this is possible very rarely.