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Triglycerides in the biochemical analysis of blood

Triglycerides are important lipids in the blood, derivatives of glycerol, a source of energy for normal functioning of body cells. The normal level in the blood of women and men is different. To determine their contents, conduct biochemical analysis of blood serum. The resulting index is used for the diagnosis of many diseases.

Research based on balance of triglycerides and the health of the body

For many years the luminaries of medicine constantly investigate the effects of triglycerides on the human condition. Thus, the Finnish scientists conducted a study and proved that elderly people with impaired balance and increased cholesterol normal triglycerides (over 2.3 mmol/l) the risk of heart attack is several times higher than their peers with normal levels of these substances.

Interpretation of results

If the detected deviation from the norm, there are 4 risk groups:

  1. Acceptable risk to 1.7 mmol/l – moderate risk of developing diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  2. The average risk of 1.7-2.2 mmol/l – average risk of heart disease and blood vessels;
  3. High risk – 2,3-5,6 mmol/l – high probability of occurrence of diseases of the heart;
  4. Very high risk is more than 5.6 mmol/l – critical value, there is a risk of pancreatitis, an urgent need to start treatment with drugs that reduce the amount of triglycerides in the body.

Triglyceride values below normal may indicate:

  • Hypolipoproteinemia;
  • The malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • The cerebral infarction;
  • Improper function of absorption in the intestine;
  • Disease of the lungs.

Medications designed to reduce the concentration of triglycerides

  • The fibrates. Belong to carboxylic acids. The decline is due to emphatically function;
  • Nicotinic acid. Works the same way as fibrates, but increases "good" cholesterol;
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Reduction of triglycerides with their help achieved quickly. Cheap and accessible tool that can be found in every pharmacy – the fish oil;
  • Statins. Struggling with "bad" cholesterol.
  • ice cream;
  • yogurt with additives;
  • Breakfast cereals (flakes, beads, etc.);
  • carbonated beverages;
  • candy and baked goods.

Limit yourself to these products if the balance of triglycerides and cholesterol in your body broken.

Read the ingredients and avoid hidden sugars. Say "no" to products, if the label you see a word ending in "-oz":

  • lactose;
  • fructose;
  • glucose, etc.