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Thrombocrit and its value in diagnosis

Thrombocrit became known to the doctors after the introduction of the practice of import of laboratory analyzers. To determine the rate manually is impossible. Do not confuse it with a known hematocrit. They reflect different components of blood. If the hematocrit (ht), judged the mass of red blood cells and its changes in relation to the liquid portion, thrombocrit tells about the percentage of platelets, the smallest formed elements.

In connection with the application in the equipment of a transcription analyses using the terms the doctors had to get used to the unusual abbreviations, codes. Thrombocrit referred to as platelet crit (PCT or pct). The parameter has not yet received practical application.

Why analyze thrombocrit?

The purpose of clarification of trombocite:

  • to determine the susceptibility of a patient to bleeding or increased thrombosis;
  • to use in assessing the risk of complications for the choice of preventive treatment.
  • anemia (aplastic, and megaloblastic);
  • myelodysplastic syndrome;
  • the lack in the diet of folic acid, if its content is below normal requirements is supported by a month or more;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus and other connective tissue;
  • allergic diseases;
  • tumors of the blood (leukemia, leukemia);
  • the consequences of chemotherapy;
  • the influence of ionizing radiation;
  • intoxication with poisonous substances;
  • negative effects of drugs (cytostatics, antibiotics, diuretics, corticosteroids);
  • viral infectious diseases;
  • chronic liver and kidney failure.

Observed in newborns with low birth weight, asphyxia of the fetus. In older age groups, proven link low thrombocrit with infection parasitic infection (helminths).

Preventive measures when deviation from the norm

At elevated thrombocyte, the doctor will prescribe anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. They are needed to prevent thrombosis. The dosage and duration of treatment determined by the attending doctor. Independently refuse to accept or to increase the dose not.

A doctor should review the appropriateness of hormonal contraceptives, the need for diuretics (diuretics).

The patient is recommended:

  • to stop Smoking;
  • stop taking alcoholic drinks;
  • drink at least 2 liters of pure filtered water a day;
  • in the daily diet include: garlic, onions, fish, tomatoes, lemons, Flaxseed oil, berries and fruits, meat beef, liver, buckwheat, seafood, dairy products.

Not recommended: walnuts, bananas, mangoes and pomegranates, the mess of lentils, drinks containing AroniaRowan.

If thrombocrit below normal, in the diet should include:

  • more fruits and vegetables;
  • a daily selection of meat or fish;
  • fresh berry juices cranberry, sea buckthorn, viburnum.

Not recommended foods that contain preservatives and acetic acid. Homework is harmful. You will have to exclude possible allergens (honey, citrus, chocolate, eggs).

The patient is recommended:

  • to refrain from physical stress;
  • it is possible to eliminate minor injuries;
  • to refuse the vaccinations;
  • to arrange adequate rest and sleep.

Specific treatment may be determined by the physician. Upon detection itself, the following symptoms should not self-medicate. Advertised folk remedies do not help and can hurt. Patient, spending precious time searching for the "best" treatment, loses the possibility of using minimal doses of essential drugs worsens the prognosis.