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Effective methods of treatment of atherosclerosis of the brain


Food should be light, without overeating. Building material for atherosclerotic plaques, the cholesterol comes only from food. To control the blood cholesterol will have to reduce fatty and fried meats, rich broth, mayonnaise, butter, sour cream, pastry, soft wheat bread, coffee, salt.

The share of vegetables and fruits in the daily diet should be at least 0.4 kg. is Recommended in the diet: dairy products with low fat, fish, boiled meat and soups made from chicken, Turkey, hard cheese, cereal with milk or water, rye bread.

The affected vessels have lost their elasticity. Using them is not enough blood to power the brain. For commissioning of the dormant collaterals shall apply:

  1. Calcium channel blockers — Isoptin, Kordafen, Corinfar, Diesem. New drugs (Lomir, Gallopamil, Amlodipine) are more selective for cerebral blood vessels, with prolonged effect during the day. Cinnarizine and Nimodipine the most appropriate means for long-term use.
  2. The drugs of the Vinca — known twine the plant contains an alkaloid that expand brain vessels, increase metabolism in cells to stop the formation of blood clots. Vinpocetine is synthesized and its analogues (Cavinton, Bravington). Used for intravenous drip, intramuscular injection and in tablets. Courses long, always under the supervision of a physician.
  3. Remedies based on plants Gingko Biloba — has antispasmodic properties, stimulate brain function, reduce clotting. Treatment with Tanakan, Gigimon, Ginkor Fort can not be combined with aspirincoronary means because of the possibility of a significant reduction in blood clotting and bleeding.
  4. Preparations containing nicotinic acid — do not act on large arteries and small capillaries, expanding and strengthening the vascular wall. Used their simultaneous ability to reduce "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Prescribed in injections or in tablets (Nikoshpan).