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How to treat a brain stem stroke and its consequences?

Action Ambulance

The doctor of a brigade "first aid" assesses the patient's condition. Its main task is to deliver the patient to the hospital with the NICU. In the course of transportation is measured by blood pressure, drugs are introduced for the correction of cardiac and respiratory activities.

Not subject to transportation of patients discovered at home in a coma, and in violation of cerebral circulation in the terminal States of various diseases of internal organs, tumors. Such patients have symptomatic help and transmit the call to the clinic.

In the hospital

Therapy of cerebral stroke on the stationary phase begins with the Department of resuscitation or intensive care. All hospitals have special departments with special equipment and trained personnel.

Patients are necessarily seen by a neurologist, some need a consultation of a neurosurgeon. Treatment of stroke depends on the type and severity of the condition.

In hemorrhagic stroke

Therapy needs to solve the following tasks:

  • to remove the swelling of the tissues of the brain;
  • to reduce intracranial and blood pressure;
  • to improve blood clotting and the density of the vascular wall.

Position the patient in bed is provided with functional bed: the head should be raised, it put the bottle with ice. Feet warm heating pads. Relaxes muscles are satisfied with the popliteal bend, if you can put a cushion under your knees.

For high blood pressure treat hypertension, administered intravenously Sulphate of magnesia, Dibazol, more powerful tools — Chlorpromazine, Pentamine.

Anticoagulants are used simultaneously with fibrynolitic medicinal products. In therapy there is the term "Golden hour". It indicates the maximum efficiency of administering drugs that reduce blood clotting, for prognosis of the disease. Unfortunately, transportation to the hospital takes time, and diagnosis in conditions of "Emergency" does not allow you to see the difference between the two types of strokes. Therefore, the optimal time is lost.

The first day introduces the solution of Fibrinolysin with Heparin.

Then treatment are used: Heparin intramuscularly, 3-5 days moving to Fenilin, Dicoumarin.

For patients of young and middle aged Pentoxifylline is used to improve blood viscosity. Older patients appoint Parmidin, Xantinol nicotinate, shown for tachycardia Inderal.

To improve the tone of vessels is used Cavinton, Cinnarizine.

It is established that the simultaneous administration in ischemic stroke have Chimes therapy with Aspirin (a blood Clot Ass, Cardiomagnyl) reduces the riskrepeated violations of cerebral circulation.

In the event that the patient excitation are assigned to the barbiturates.

To improve metabolism and increase resistance of cells to oxygen deficiency, drugs used class of compounds (Piracetam, Aminalon, Cerebrolysin).