Home / Treatment of diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system / How to cure varicose veins: effective methods

How to cure varicose veins: effective methods

The use of compression bandaging is reduced to the affected leg with elastic bandages, wearing special stockings or knee socks. To wear them should be in the morning in the supine position with dry hands. The imposed bandage from the toes up. You need to choose the socks of their size. In orthopedic shops sell socks and stockings of various classes of compression (from the first to the fourth). Specifically, the part number will tell the doctor. Too strong compression will lead to clamping of arterial vessels and worsen blood supply.

Sometimes patients complain of shortness of breath after putting on compression stockings and I refuse to use. This occurs as a result of the outflow of blood from the lower extremities to the upper body and heart. Have to get used to the auxiliary compression of the veins, to train the heart.

Laser treatment

This treatment is based on the penetration of laser rays into venous site. There is a good effect when used in the early stages, when Vienna expanded in diameter to three to five mm. the result is improved tone, dissolves blood clots, improves blood flow. Treatment is performed by a specially trained doctor in the physiotherapy Department. The course is 10-12 procedures. Recommended to repeat treatment every six months.

The use of traditional recipes

Treatment of folk remedies should be undertaken with care, to use proven methods. All the recommended funds are aimed at strengthening the tone of the venous wall and the muscles of the lower leg, the resorption of blood clots and preventing excessive clotting of blood in the dilated venous nodes, anti-inflammatory thrombophlebitis.

Treatment with dressings with leaves mother and stepmother

The shank is placed a gauze napkin, and she leaves mother and stepmother alternately by different parties, dressing privinchivayut. It can be kept all day. If you can not wear a patch during the daylight, only at night and in the morning to clean the refrigerator. Next time change the sheets or side to move the blindfold so that in place of "mother" was "stepmother". The recommended course of treatment is two months.

Additionally, it is suggested to drink a decoction of the leaves mother and stepmother: 3-4 leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and boil ten minutes, cool and strain. The resulting broth to drink per day in four doses.

The same effect is green cabbage leaves, perebintovany to the leg.

Tincture of birch buds and flowers of acacia helps with careful lubrication and rubbing in painful places over the veins. To prepare: fill 1/3 bottle medicinal raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and infuse for twenty days, occasionally shaking.

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Traditional medicine offers to use in the treatment of packs of slices of fresh tomatoes or grated potatoes. The pulp or slices applied to damaged vessels, cover waxed paper or plastic wrap, privinchivayut to the leg, cover with a warm cloth. The compress should be kept for three to five hours.

Treated varicose veins and using dressings with crushed leaves of sage and a dollop of sour cream. It is one and a half to two hours to use during the week.

For lubrication of painful varicose veins several times a day, there are prescription ointments: one teaspoon of potato starch to add two times more flowers chamomile flowers and sage leaves in powder form and 50 g of crushed fruit chestnut. To the mixture add 200 g of hot chicken fat, stir well and stand for two hours in a water bath. To insist 8 hours then strain.

For a foot bath in the enameled bucket, prepare a solution made of branches of oak, chestnut and willow. Boil for 30 minutes, then add the full package (200 g) of chamomile, St. John's wort and succession. Stir and leave to infuse overnight. Separately brewed with boiling water for three loaves of rye bread. Before use, the solutions are mixed, slightly warmed. The bucket needs to be lower leg with damaged veins for half an hour before bedtime. Therapy twenty days.


Sclerotherapy has been used:

  • in the absence of complications such as thrombophlebitis and venous ulcers;
  • if dilated veins are small in size.