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Features of treatment of ischemic stroke

Step one: follow emergency

First and foremost, in the diagnosis of stroke must be assessed life-threatening symptoms: dizziness, stop breathing and heartbeat. If the patient has any of these symptoms, you need to start implementing emergency measures aimed at treating life-threatening conditions. Basically, they are needed for patients who are unconscious. This, in the first place:

  1. The liberation of the respiratory tract for the free access of oxygen (the crowding of the head, pushing the lower jaw forward;
  2. To put the patient half-side and ensure an adequate outflow of saliva and mucus from the oral cavity that will prevent its flowing into the trachea and bronchi;
  3. Early transportation to nearest medical facility.

After hospitalization of the patients diagnosed with ischemic stroke of the left or right side is assigned to the pharmacological correction of vital parameters. Several minutes later, after the numbness of a certain area of the brain surrounding tissue change. There is swelling of the entire brain. The greater the volume of necrotic (dead) lesion, the greater the danger of this condition, which can cause cardiac arrest and death the patient. Therefore, priority must cure it swelling of the brain. Prescribers of a number of diuretic (furosemide, trifas, beckoning), and decongestant products (L-lysine aescinat), sedatives (sodium oxybutyrate), which displays the first fluid from swollen brain tissue and the vascular space. Patients are instilljatsii (summarizing using a mask for inhalation of moistened oxygen, and in the case of bad breath, artificial ventilation.

Described healing techniques shown only to patients with extensive ischemic stroke, impaired consciousness up to deep coma and progressive deterioration of General condition. No sense in all the events of the first stage with a small stroke, with the exception of early requests for assistance. It must result in specialized neurological stroke care.

  1. Emergency thrombolysis – dissolution of clots in cerebral arteries. Shown only in the first hours after the initial, sudden ischaemic stroke moderate or severe degree. Used thrombolytics are: farmakonisi, alteplase, Arixtra;
  2. Anticoagulants (active blood thinners): heparin, Clexane, Fraxiparine, warfarin;
  3. Antiplatelet agents (drugs for long-term maintenance of blood in the liquid state (aspirin, aspecard, cardiomagnyl, clopidogrel);
  4. Means, improves blood rheology and microcirculation (trental,pentoksifilin, aminophylline, sermion);
  5. Nootropics (improve the metabolism in the affected neurons): piracetam, nootropil, tiocetam, fezam;
  6. An cerebroprotector: Cavinton, Vinpocetine, Actovegin, Cinnarizine, Cerebrolysin, ceraxon. The latest drug in the acute period of the disease modern neurologists attach particular importance;
  7. Antioxidants and restorative drugs: Mildronate, Cortexin, vitamin E, neurobion, milhama;
  8. Prevention of pressure ulcers and congestive pneumonia in patients with a complex stroke. They usually are in serious condition and confined to bed. In such circumstances there are conditions for activation of the infection in the respiratory tract and microcirculation disorders of skin areas exposed to constant compression. So you need to treat them with antibiotics (Ceftriaxone, Augmentin (CROMO)), vibratory massage of the chest, regular turning of the patient and treatment red patches of skin with camphor spirit;
  9. Do not forget about nutrition of patients. It also depends on the General state of the patient and the ability to swallow food. In this regard, patients after stroke should be intravenous special nutrient mixtures, feeding through established nasogastric tube into the stomach or regular feeding.

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Stage three: rehabilitation treatment

All activities that were conducted in the early stages of treatment a stroke patient, should ultimately contribute to the restoration of the lost functions of the brain. Therefore, rehabilitation treatment can be early and late. It all depends on the potential capabilities of a particular patient and severity of stroke. For some patients, recovery will be the resumption of the most delicate of strokes, and for others – the opportunity to sit, not to mention walking. All of this suggests that less disturbances provoked a stroke, the quicker restorative healing consequences.

Rehabilitation begins immediately after stabilization of General condition and it includes therapeutic exercises (from simple movements to more complex), massage (relaxing), gymnastics, physiotherapy, Spa treatment and a special rehabilitation courses in narrow stroke centers. Sometimes this stage of treatment is the rest of my life and not always ends in complete recovery of lost functions.