Home / Treatment of diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system / Leeches help with varicose veins?

Leeches help with varicose veins?


Medical leeches are not suitable for everyone. Contraindications of the following:

  • hemophilia (bad coagulability of blood);
  • anemia;
  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy;
  • children's age;
  • cancer.

The opinions of experts

Doctors have expressed different opinions about the treatment with leeches. As we know, varicose veins is to increase the lumen of the veins, incompetence of the valves and resetting of the pathological venous blood. Phlebologists and vascular surgeons believe that the injection of hirudin with the purpose of blood thinning does not affect varicose veins and incompetent valves, so leeches does not cure varicose veins. At the same time, supporters of the treatment claim that varicose veins resolve, the pain and swelling go away. According to the statement of phlebology, the effect of such procedures is minimal, of short duration, and soon comes the aggravation, even in a more severe form.

Possible complications

In recent times you can hear the insecurity of this method. As you know, leeches are annelid worms and in addition to the hirudin is isolated in human blood, a lot of bacteria living among them in the throat. This leads to numerous complications, including:

  • sustainable spots in places where the leeches;
  • bleeding after bites, which may not be quite long;
  • dermatitis;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • allergies;
  • sepsis (cellulitis, abscesses);
  • sepsis;
  • trophic disorders;
  • erysipelas;
  • thrombosis, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis.

Nowadays, the treatment of varicose veins possible modern less traumatic techniques. As for hirudin at the disposal of physicians have a highly effective and safe anticoagulants with persistent activity.