Home / Treatment of diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system / Drugs to reduce intracranial pressure

Drugs to reduce intracranial pressure

Before the pill, touted by TV and a pharmacy chain, you should make sure that an adult has indications for their use. The child is dangerous to give medications that "helped" friends.

What medicine to take, it has both positive and negative properties. Pills intracranial pressure, bearing in mind the removal of intracerebral hypertension, medicine is not yet invented.

When shown the medication?

In humans, prone to rapid decompensation of adaptive mechanisms, even the change of weather causes a loss of efficiency, severe headache. The helplessness in the face of stress, inability to relax promotes as blood and intracranial pressure.

As self help you need to:

  • to massage the head and neck with soft circular motions;
  • put a yellow card under the back of the head;
  • to do a contrast foot baths;
  • put a cold compress on the forehead and eyes;
  • drink tea with mint.

Should not lie in a horizontal position, the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid deteriorates. You can sit in a chair, his head upon a cushion.

From the group of ACE inhibitors are most commonly used Captopril and Capoten. They are fast resorption in the mouth. Lower blood pressure and reduce the volume of fluid in the brain cavities. Cannot be used in conjunction with Furosemide because of a sharp decline in pressure and congestive heart failure.

Antagonists of calcium channels:

  • Amlodipine,
  • Nifedipine,
  • Verapamil,
  • Cordaflex.

Help the patient adapt to physical stress. Especially considered are shown in the elderly.

Whether anti-anxiety medications?

Proved negative role of stress in increased intracranial pressure. If the individual fails to cope with anxiety, not helping mode, the neurologists can recommend sedatives (sedative) funds.

Easy action have herbal tincture of Motherwort, Valerian, combination drug Novopassit.

The dosage is determined by the physician. An adult should not sit behind the wheel of the car, taking these drugs because of the reduced attention.