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Rehabilitation after ischemic stroke

The biofeedback

Effective recovery methods are considered for functional biocontrol implemented by feedback from active treatment to the individual patient to achieve the performance of specific movements. The method is based on registration of physiological parameters of muscles, brain and heart and their subsequent conversion into sound and light signals. Reaction of the patient to the demonstration data signals is the opening of channels of functional reserves. As a result, the patient is able to actively use self-regulation mechanisms in order to correction of post-stroke motor disorders.

Drug therapy

Rehabilitation after ischemic stroke is carried out together with the admission of drugs, which are aimed at stimulating metabolic processes in the neurons of affected areas of the brain. Doctor prescribed medicinal drugs and reduce neurological symptoms associated with the "reprogramming" of neurons in the intact parts of the brain. Neuroprotectors start the process of formation of new connections between neurons, which changes the properties of nerve cell membranes.

Recovery of motor disorders

Major post-stroke motor disorders are unilateral hemiparesis and paralysis, followed by sensitivity and tone, restriction of motor activity of the limbs and diminished strength. For effective rehabilitation of the patient requires a full medical examination and timely application of therapeutic exercises and therapeutic gymnastics, massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, manual therapy and biofeedback with feedback. At the same time conducted medical therapy with neuroprotective agents and vasoactive drugs. Additionally performed electrical stimulation and massage of neuromuscular apparatus.

Recovery skills

Correction of speech defects help vasoactive, nootropic and amino acid drugs that stimulate the metabolism of nerve cells. Along the way there are active sessions with a neuropsychologist or speech therapist avisolegal. In the early recovery period, the recovery of language skills occurs most rapidly.

Rehabilitation in lesions of the cerebellum

If the focus of a heart attack fell on the region of the cerebellum, the rehabilitation process aimed at the reconstruction of defects of the facial muscles, coordination of movements of the vestibular apparatus and the normalization of the walk. Therapeutic course includes selective massage, private complex kinesitherapy, balance training and inverse biologicalcommunication on stabilograms.

Asthenic-depressive syndrome

This syndrome combines increased fatigue and depression, the inability to endure prolonged physical and mental stress, exhaustion and reduced activity level. In this case rehabilitation measures include physiotherapy intermittently, massage, long-term treatment with piracetam, nootropics and antidepressants, as well as work with teachers and psychologists.