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Diagnosis and recommendations for treatment of hypertension

In addition to pressure measurement, the doctor examines other organs, which can change if the pressure is high enough. It is known that the target organs are kidney, eye, blood vessels.

Usually includes evaluation of the heart. Instrumental diagnosis involves listening with a stethoscope for the presence of noise. Using the ECG to assess heart size and its electrical activity. Possible laboratory tests, namely, blood test for cholesterol and sugar, and urinalysis to exclude renal infections.

In addition, the inspection of the fundus with the Ophthalmoscope. This device allows to detect changes in blood vessels: expansion or contraction, and minor bleeding (hemorrhage), indicating elevated pressures.

Basic principles of treatment

If the pressure is from 140/90 to 159/99 mm Hg. column, while the target organs are not damaged, along with lifestyle changes your doctor may prescribe a treatment with medications to reduce pressure. Most often it is tiazidopodobnye diuretics, which remove excess water and sodium from the body. These drugs must be taken under medical supervision because they decrease potassium and increase in blood in patients with diabetes mellitus sugar level.

Treatment at high pressure

If the pressure level is at around 160/100 or above, your doctor selects different combinations of drugs until you find the most suitable option for each specific patient. In addition, in arterial hypertension will need to change lifestyle and reduce weight if it exceeds the norm.

If hypertension is secondary, that is developed on the background of other pathology, it is first necessary treatment of the primary disease. In addition, you need to take medication, reducing blood pressure, which are prescribed by a doctor. You must follow all his recommendations for treatment.

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