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Stenting of coronary arteries: what is this operation?

The technique of intervention

To perform coronary stenting are entitled to only those medical centers and institutions that have appropriate equipment and license to conduct endovascular interventions. Direct surgical technique consists of several stages:

  1. Anesthesia. Use local anaesthesia or superficial intravenous anesthesia. This is a big plus interference, eliminating the toxic effect of harmful drugs for anesthesia on the diseased heart;
  2. Treatment the surgical field alcoholic solution of antiseptics and restriction of sterile linen. Usually, this is one of the groin areas in place of the projection of the femoral artery;
  3. Catheterization of the femoral artery by Seldinger method. This stage provides an introduction into the femoral artery catheter after injecting the operating region a local anesthetic (novocaine, lidocaine). The artery is punctured with the catheter with the guide inside in the direction upwards. The conductor is removed, and the lumen of a catheter is a thin catheter manipulator. With it will run the main stage of intervention;
  4. The study of the structure of the affected vessels (coronary angiography). After the introduction of a thin catheter advances it into the aorta towards the heart. The whole process is followed on an x-ray monitor, periodically introducing a radiopaque substance. When we approach the place of branches from the aorta left and right coronary arteries, they fill with contrast, define narrowed areas and is determined by the possibility and expediency of performance of the stent;
  5. Direct procedure for the production of the stent. It is a circular mesh with honeycomb structure, made of high quality durable alloys of different metals. She is in the sleeping state at the tip of a separate catheter. After the stent is brought to the narrowed area, it gradually spread with air cylinder. He is also on the end of the catheter under the stent. This occurs after you join the early boats of the syringe with heparin. Pushing the plunger, the surgeon controls the intensity and speed of smoothing, which can be seen immediately on the monitor screen;
  6. Verification of correct setting of the stent. Advanced balloon, the stent acts as a scaffold for the narrowed vessel, holding it in the correct position. Coronary artery flushed with heparin;
  7. Removal of all the catheters. The injection site is the femoral artery pressed tightly for a few minutes to prevent bleeding and bruising. Sterile dressing is applied.

May not be a complete rehabilitation without compliance with diet and treatment recommendations. They includeyourself:

  1. The restriction of fluids;
  2. Refusal or maximum reduction of the amount of salt in food;
  3. The food should not contain animal fats as the main source of cholesterol. Preference should be given fresh vegetables and fruit, seafood, low-fat and delicious fish, vegetable oils;
  4. Psycho-emotional relaxation, the exclusion of any worries and stress;
  5. Receiving anti-atherosclerotic drugs: atorvastatin, aerocard, atoris;
  6. Anticoagulants. Their reception should be a lifelong. The only thing that can be corrected, it is their form and dosage. In the early postoperative period, it should be indirect anticoagulants (warfarin). Their admission is strictly under control of blood clotting with the help of the laboratory value, INR (international normalizing ratio). In the future, the patient can be translated into a more familiar form: clopidogrel, aspirin-KARDIO, cardiomagnyl. Compliance with the rules of anticoagulants is the key to long-term preservation of the stent, said a lot of doctors and their patients;
  7. Metabolic cardioprotective therapy. Patients must continue taking medications to maintain cardiac muscle: metamaks, Preductal, ATP, Mildronat;
  8. Antihypertensive drugs. Maintaining blood pressure at a normal level allows you to increase the duration of the life of the stent. To do this, take enalapril and its analogs, lipase, losartan, bisoprolol and other beta blockers;
  9. Employment and vocational rehabilitation. Patients after coronary stenting is absolutely contraindicated hard physical labor. In itself, the intervention is not grounds for registration of disability. If there are signs of heart failure or significant physical limitations that interfere with normal employment, the issue can be resolved in favor of the patient.

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What determines the cost of the operation

The price of stenting of coronary arteries is determined by the country and clinic where the intervention will be conducted, the number of used stents, the technical features of the intervention in a particular patient, the need for additional medications. Very important in pricing is the cost of the stent. This is perhaps the main element of the price. The choice is to not give the cheapest, as they will not last long, but also not to tryto buy the most expensive. Warranty on service and manufacturing are about equal. The entire cost of operations costs 2-3 thousand euros for the implementation of the intervention to local hospitals and from 3 to 8 thousand euros when you perform abroad.

Positive reviews most patients undergoing coronary stenting, in the case of the operation according to the testimony of and compliance with postoperative regime speak about its high efficiency. The only downside and limitation to perform is considered to be common and decompensated stenosis of the coronary arteries.

It is therefore essential to find the clinic and understanding of a specialist, who will trust You. The only way to achieve maximum effectiveness of the treatment!!!