Home / Treatment of diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system / The treatment of varicose veins with Apple cider vinegar

The treatment of varicose veins with Apple cider vinegar

What leads to varicose veins

Reasons for development of varicose veins are the following factors:

  • Considerable physical stress.
  • Lifting and carrying heavy loads.
  • Constant presence on my feet.
  • Wearing shoes with high heels.
  • Decreased tone of veins.
  • Valve insufficiency.
  • The increase in venous pressure.
  • A sedentary lifestyle.

For many it remains a mystery why the varicose veins appears to have active and mobile people, and no less often found in those who spend the majority of time on the couch? This is the explanation: all should find "Golden mean". If the body is subjected to constant heavy loads, it also has a negative impact on health, and poor mobility.

How to help the feet

Varicose veins can be cured only by operative method. But to improve the health and condition of blood vessels will help the use of vinegar with varicose veins. The most effective will be the use of this tool at the initial stages of the disease. As you know, most of the recipes of folk medicine accessible to everyone and easy to use. With the help of improvised products that will be in any house, you can get rid of various diseases. Socrates said: "to Cure diseases a doctor, but nature heals!"

Ordinary Apple cider vinegar in some cases can work wonders and has helped thousands of people cope with many diseases. A large percentage of natural malic acid contributes to the accumulation in the body of glycogen. This source of energy successfully fights with a variety of skin disorders and venous disorders by improving blood circulation and stimulating the secretory function of the epithelium. In addition, this natural substance contains all the essential micronutrients and minerals. How this works and how to use it properly in the treatment of varicose veins?

The method of using Apple cider vinegar

To start treatment with vinegar should be rubbing. To do this, take a cotton swab moistened liberally with fluid and carefully massage the affected areas. The procedure is performed regularly, up to 6 times a day. It will also be helpful to make the bath with added Apple cider vinegar, but keep in mind that the water level should cover problem areas, and its temperature should be below room. Repeat these therapeutic actions should be up to 4 times a day.

In addition to wiping, will become effective and the wrapping procedure. It is performed not more often than 3 times a week. Soaked in vinegar cheesecloth (folded several times) or flaps other absorbent material, is applied to feet and wrapped in plastic wrap. On topapplied a warm towel and allowed to stand for about an hour.

Varicose veins compresses will help. This method of treatment is the same wrap, but to apply the fabric to the several layers. During the procedure, you should take a horizontal position and to put under the legs something voluminous that they were raised as high as possible.

Take Apple cider vinegar inside. Method of preparation: 1 tsp of liquid pour in 1 Cup of warm water. Drink small portions in the morning (fasting) and the evening just before bedtime. This method of therapy has a number of contraindications and should be considered before use. Not recommended intake of the solution in diseases of the stomach and intestines.

To achieve a better result, it is desirable to combine treatment with vinegar: pouring, rubbing, wraps, compresses and internal use.

Against varicose veins should apply a comprehensive course of therapy, only in this case can improve the condition and long delay surgical intervention!