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As the pills affect blood pressure?

Raises or lowers blood pressure pills? This question interests many, who resorted to his help for different reasons. This tool is a vasodilator, and thus lowers blood pressure. In this regard, the drug is often used by hypertensive patients to reduce blood pressure.

People with low pressure Corvalol make is not recommended because it does not increase it and lowers. Hypotensive can replace it with sedative drugs with a similar effect, but which do not affect the pressure. If a person with low blood pressure should drink Corvalol, you need to stick to a certain dosage. The doctors in this case are not recommended to take more than 15 drops. Excess dosage can result in fainting.

In some cases, the sage can be taken as a hypotensive agent?

Allowed to take the drug to reduce blood pressure in the following cases:

  • if high blood pressure caused by stress;
  • if high blood pressure is associated with vascular spasm;
  • if the pressure is increased due to lack of sleep.

How to take pills to lower blood pressure?

Drops drink from one to three times daily before meals. To do this, 30 drops diluted in 50 ml of warm water and drink up. About half an hour later the pressure drops and they get better. If necessary, the dosage may be increased by the doctor and make 40 drops. If the drug is in tablets, you should drink one to two tablets twice a day.

Doctors categorically do not recommend to drink this remedy for hypertension long courses. Its use is justified only if it is urgently necessary to reduce the pressure, but don't have the drug that people usually take. If you still have to drink it, need to take breaks or alternate with other drugs of the same action. Doctors strongly against the use of sage as a means of preventing hypertension.