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How the mint affects the pressure

The taste of mint is familiar to everyone since childhood. Menthol contained in the leaves and inflorescences of plants, used in confectionery, food and perfume industry, it is used in the manufacture of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. In life the fresh mint leaves added to dishes as seasoning, tea, and soft drinks, prepared on the basis of its tools, improve skin tone, take a peppermint bath.

Everyone knows that mint is a medicinal plant, and mint oil is part of many preparations: drops, tablets, ointments, tinctures. But not all know, lowers blood pressure mint or increases.


The properties of any medicinal plant due to its composition. The main substance, which mint has a refreshing and cooling effect, is an essential oil, consisting of more than half of the menthol. Especially a lot of oil contained in the inflorescences (to 6%) and leaves (to 2.5-2.7%) and very little in the stems (about 0.3%). In addition, the leaves of the plant has the following components:

  • organic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • tanning substances;
  • trace elements.
  • soothing,
  • analgesic,
  • antispasmodic,
  • local irritating,
  • antiseptic,
  • astringent,
  • warming,
  • choleretic,
  • a vasodilator.

In addition, peppermint improves blood circulation, increases appetite, stimulates digestion, normalizes the heartbeat, stabilizes the intestinal microflora. As to whether it lowers the pressure or increases, we can say that the hypotensive effect is present, but it's so small that the practical does not matter.

Lowers or increases the pressure?

As mentioned above, peppermint dilates blood vessels and eliminates them spasms, calms the nerves. In this regard, the pressure may be reduced slightly. But for people suffering stable arterial hypertension, this operation is not enough. Therefore, the treatment of hypertension using the mint is out of the question.

Traditional medicine offers funds from hypertension, which includes mint:

  1. To take one part of peppermint, the same amount of chamomile and ½ part Valerian. Mixture pour boiling water (table. spoon one Cup of water) and let stand. Make one month one third of a Cup 1 time a day.
  2. Pour boiling water mixture of mint, Adonis, marjoram, agrimony and Astragalus. Two cups of water will require two table. spoon mixture. To insist in a thermos and drink half a Cup an hour before meals.
  3. Chopped mint, pour boiling water (20 grams – a glass of water) and leave for about 30 minutes. When infused, strain the pulp out onto a piece of cloth or gauze to wipe your face and neck. Then, without wiping, to massage the ear lobes, neck and collar area. Duration of massage – aboutfive minutes. Strained infusion to drink twice a day. It helps to lower blood pressure.