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How to thin blood folk remedies?

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Often used traditional remedies prepared with the herb mixture, for example, the following recipes:

  1. How to grind one part of the dandelion grass and as many flowers of blackthorn. Pour the boiling water for about 4 hours. Strain and drink up to 4 times a day half a Cup. The treatment lasts for two weeks. It is recommended to resort to this remedy several times a year.
  2. Take equal quantities of chopped ingredients: grass clover, hawthorn, the flowers of the red clover, rhizomes of Valerian, leaves of fireweed and lemon balm, the herb of meadowsweet. Two teaspoons of the mixture pour boiling water (half Cup), put for 10 minutes in a water bath. After that, wrap and infuse for two hours. Drink in between meals (3-4 times daily) at a quarter Cup.


  1. Alcohol tincture. Pour the vodka peel chestnut and infuse for 14 days (two cups is 50 grams of raw materials). For three days, take three times a day 30 drops.
  2. The infusion. In a thermos pour one Cup of water a teaspoon of crushed leaves and flowers of the chestnuts and leave overnight. To drink infusion of blood thinning 0.5 cups in the evening after the last meal. Treatment may last up to six months.
  3. Broth. Grind the flowers of the chestnuts and cover with water (in a glass – a tea spoon of raw materials). Boil for half an hour with the lid closed on low heat, then allow to stand for one hour. Drink broth as an infusion.


Those who are interested in simple folk recipes for blood thinners, you can use cinnamon. It is necessary to take in food in the amount of ½ tsp per day. It is added to soup, tea, porridge, coffee or simply diluted in water and drink.


There are various remedies to reduce blood clotting. For example, this unconventional method as hirudotherapy. Leeches for blood thinners used for a long time, although the method has opponents. It is recommended that it not all, because it has contraindications. In any case, the advice of the doctor. Folk healers claim that after the leech injected into the blood hirudin, it quickly becomes less viscous.


Folk remedies, which are prepared from products of beekeeping, enjoy an enviable popularity. Blood thinning use bee Podmore – dead insects, dead of natural causes. The raw material contains a substance heparin, which has similar actions with hirudin, i.e., regulates blood clotting. It is made such as oil and alcohol infusions, water decoctions. Bee subpestilence is filled with water (on 0,5 l – 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials), allow to boil and cook for about an hour (but not longer!) on a small flame. Take before meals in 50 ml. Brothyou can store up to three days in a cool place.


Don't spend blood thinners folk remedies to prevent, not obsledovanie the doctor. To start treatment after the hospital visit and blood test. It is not recommended to use the people's money uncontrollably, despite their seeming safety.