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Like weight affects blood pressure

Does it make sense to apply at high pressure?

At high pressure the blood vessels constricted and validol acts as sossoudorasshiratee tool. In addition, it is a sedative that is soothing, resulting in normal heart rate, improves blood circulation, disappears pain. Thus, we can conclude that the drug reduces blood pressure and its use in hypertension are well grounded. However, doctors say that sedatives can not be considered a drug that reduce blood pressure. It may appoint as an additional tool in complex therapy.

In turn, those who suffer from hypotension, you might be interested in the question of validol enhances the pressure or lower, and can it be taken in hypotensive patients as a sedative.

Doctors warn people suffering from low blood pressure that this drug can be dangerous. In this case, the reception of validol can lead to falling blood pressure, the result is not excluded changes in the brain due to oxygen starvation. So hypotensive, before you take validol, you need to consult a cardiologist for advice. If the pressure is consistently low, you may want to find another drug with a similar action.

What is the real purpose of validol

The range of its application is quite wide. The indications include the following States:

  1. Angina. In the case of this disease validol appointed as one of the means of complex therapy.
  2. As a mild sedative shown in various neuroses: neurasthenia, hysteria, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and also helps to recover from stress and depression. Usually prescribed in combination with other drugs.