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Than it is possible to strengthen the vessels of the legs

Vascular disease of the legs is not uncommon in our time. Especially often diagnose varicose veins of the lower extremities that affects even young people. The disease is characterized by stagnation and violation of the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities. Most often affects women, due to the changing hormonal status during pregnancy, while taking contraceptives and the menopause. The first sign of weak blood vessels is the appearance on the legs of purple mesh. Later appear convoluted, protruding veins, swelling, cramps, pain and heaviness in the legs.

  1. Contrast baths. Prepare two containers, one with cold and another with warm water. In cold water add lemon juice or menthol oil. Feet immersed in a mid-calf alternating between cold water and warm. To do it every day. It should not be forgotten that vessels like the cold, so a hot bath is not recommended, it is useful to douche feet with cool water.
  2. If signs of varicose veins you already have, you can wipe the affected areas with a cloth moistened with a healing infusion. For its preparation you need to take a tablespoon of dried herbs of calendula and chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water, let stand, strain and reheat. You can pour this infusion into the bath and to walk in it. As the cooling of the infusion add warm water.
  3. During the month wipe the seats with raised veins with Apple cider vinegar. Carry out the procedure recommended 1-3 times a day.
  4. Will help to strengthen the blood vessels of the legs alcohol tincture Kalanchoe. To prepare you need the fresh leaves of the plant (a half-liter of the Bank) and alcohol. The leaves are crushed, put in a quart jar, fill to top with alcohol and leave for 10 days in a dark place. Even to wipe the sore spots. To do this in the evening daily. Treatment lasts 5 months.
  5. The garlic oil. Chop two large heads and how to mix with butter. Taking garlic only with white skin. 1 part garlic 2 parts need oil. Apply the mixture at night to the sick. On top of impose cellophane wrap, wrap and wrap with a handkerchief or scarf. In the morning wash off with soap and water.
  6. A decoction of yarrow. Pour chopped herbs boiling water on the grass part to ten parts water), to insist to cool, and then drink a third Cup three times a day.
  7. The horse chestnut. Tincture chestnut reduces swelling and reduces the swelling of the veins. Pour the alcohol (0.5 l) inflorescences of the plant (50 g). Cover tightly and keep in the dark for ten days. Make ready and strained the tincture three times a day one tablespoon. Treatment scheme: week to drink, then for a week to take a break.
  8. An excellent tool for the prevention of varicose veins – ice cubes made from the decoction. Wipe feetice cubes every day after work.


Nutrition should be aimed at strengthening of vascular walls. For this you need to ensure intake of all essential vitamins. The most important are:

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). With varicose veins the walls of the veins lose their elasticity and tend to stretch. This is due to the destruction of collagen. Vitamin C takes part in synthesis. Per day the body must receive 2.5 mg per kilogram of body weight. Especially rich in ascorbic acid citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants.
  • Vitamin e Has antioxidant properties, prevents thrombosis. The main source of vitamin E – vegetable oil.
  • Vitamin P. To prevent varicose veins and strengthening blood vessels of the legs you want to include in the menu foods containing flavonoids – bioactive substances that increase the tone of venous walls, and normalize their structure and function, prevent the formation of blood clots. Vitamin P contains in the green, red pepper, green tea, citrus, cherry, sweet cherry, grapes.