Home / Medicines for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system / Infusion of clover for vascular health

Infusion of clover for vascular health

In modern recipes of traditional medicine, the infusion of clover is not uncommon. A once popular forage plant today appreciated as a medicine. Special efficiency has such a tool if problems with blood vessels.

The uniqueness of the composition

Clover is a plant with a unique chemical composition, which includes:

  • up to 12% fatty oils;
  • up to 2.5% protein;
  • about 3.5% essential oil;
  • vitamins C, E, K, V;
  • trace elements;
  • organic acids.

These liqueurs are often made with vodka and allows to cope with many ailments. Also popular herbal tea on the basis of this plant.

Ideal raw material

The best option is clover, assembled outside the city, away from dust and highways. Assemble head in dry weather, preferably in the evening. It is important to dry the plant material in a well ventilated area. The result of the head should not be wet, but dried raw materials cannot be used.

A good alternative to this method of mining is the use of pharmaceutical forms.

Unsupervised use of tincture of clover often leads to side effects:

  • skin rash;
  • headaches;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • nausea;
  • bleeding.

With care are receiving infusions in combination with other drugs or in complex therapy of the disease.

Clover is an interesting plant not only in terms of aesthetic image, but also because of their unique properties. Tincture based on it will help to cope with many illnesses, especially effective for diseases of the blood vessels. The recipe is quite simple, and the rules of admission is not very difficult, but the result will not keep itself waiting long.

However, remember that self-medication is very dangerous, need to consult a doctor and following his recommendations!