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Emergency care at hypertensive crisis

When the initial symptoms increase in pressure a good result can be achieved by self-massage of specific zones: it is recommended that strong movements to RUB the ears to massage the trestle ears, then insert the finger into the ear passages and make intense circular motion. The number of each type of movements — 42.

These measures assist improve the condition of the patient. Blood pressure is reduced. Call the ambulance is not required. Within three to four days after crisis, you need to make a salt-free diet. It is recommended to consult with the local doctor may need to change the dosage or to use other drugs.

Rule lower blood pressure

We will remind that in Russia it is considered normal upper level of arterial pressure 140/90 mm Hg. article Elderly, long suffering from hypertension, are often well adapted to the figures of the pressure 200/120 mm Hg. article, and in younger patients the clinical picture of a hypertensive crisis occurs even at 150/90.

Requirements for oral drugs for treatment of hypertensive crisis:

  • quick onset of action (20-30 minutes after ingestion);
  • have a duration of effects 4-6 hours, enough for the appointment of basic therapy;
  • the result of the application of reduced pressure needs to be predictable and dependent on the dose of the tablets;
  • no side effects;
  • accessibility.